[center][h1][color=lemonchiffon]EPISODE IX: Apollex[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Apollex nodded quickly, fingers scrambling to tie up all her hair. A stray strand escaped and she pushed it away impatiently, all the while trying to catch up with Question ([@Simple Unicycle]). She ran up next to him, panting only slightly. She was honestly way out of shape for her occupation. Mental note: Stop stuffing yourself full with hamburgers [color=lemonchiffon]”Would it be possible for you to do a quick analysis of the situation for me, Q?”[/color] She tended to call every hero by whatever she deemed “cute” and Question was one of those unfortunate heroes to be called something like “Q" She didn’t like the look that Q gave her. It was a critical one, and not a kind one at that. She frowned ever so slightly. She was a bit new to this whole job but honestly, it wasn’t like she was going to sprout an extra head and kill someone was she? She was a healer for god’s sake! She felt a frown make it’s way onto her face and quickly reverted her face back in a neutral position, she couldn’t risk getting wrinkles. Not when she was going to be invited to an elegant party on a yacht soon.