[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170719/d4e4391790a9015236b7798888551163.png[/img] [/center] [center][sub][i]Dealing With A Demon[/i][/sub][/center] Events were spinning out of control even faster than when Penny opened fire on Regina and Elroy, not that the mechanical maho could blame anyone since everyone seemed to be under the impression that she needed help. The quick appearance, and even quicker incineration, of the vines told Penny she would have to act, but the length of metal in her arm hampered what she could do. She waivered for a moment as she struggled with what to do, she could keep the metal to continue her idea or remove it to better deal with her crazed friend and seeing as Thalia was more than willing to attack anything that moved Penny needed to choose fast. Before she could come to a conclusion Thalia moved to shield her from any attacks that could be incoming, which, seeing as Elroy was still unaccounted for wasn’t a bad idea. It also gave Penny a better idea for dealing with Thalia. While Thalia was eyeing every shadow that she could see, Penny gently laid a hand on the Kitsune’s shoulder [color=9e0039][b][u]“I’m okay, Thalia, I’m okay”[/u][/b][/color] She murmured softly as stepped closer to her friend, slowly moving to give Thalia a one armed hug [color=9e0039][b][u]“It’s fine, I promise”[/u][/b][/color] Penny continued quietly as she adjusted her left arm so that the extra metal sticking out of it wouldn’t poke in to Thalia or scrape against anything. [color=9e0039][b][u]“Let’s go home Thal”[/u][/b][/color] Penny was nearly whispering as she spoke to Thalia, Partly so that only the fox could hear her and partly so her voice wouldn’t crack from her emotions. Every transformation Penny had seen always had the same triggering factor; grievous harm of a loved one. That Thalia cared so much for Penny was a balm that Penny didn’t know she needed, but the pain she had inadvertently inflicted on Thalia was just as sharp, if not worse because of that same fact. Penny moved so she could look in to her friend’s eyes, making sure not to block Thalia’s vision too much as she did. [color=9e0039][b][u]“Please? We can hunt later”[/u][/b][/color] She pleaded quietly not fully able to halt the tears in her eyes. Penny didn’t want another fight, not against anyone gathered, and her loss of control from earlier was starting to catch up to her. If Penny heard Scout’s appeal, she made no reaction to it, just as she didn’t move to talk to Alicia or Suwako, she would talk with the bacon-bits later. Thalia was more important right now. She just wanted to go home; she wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t, not now, not until they both were safe. She wouldn’t abandon Thalia, not now, not ever. [@Vocab] [@Majoras End][@Hammerman][@Flamelord]