"He makes the catch! Bailey has won the game! Alpine High wins the state championship! " The man said happily. He was dreaming he knew it. So what it was a happy memory. He was remmebring how his school had won the state championship in football thanks in no small part to one Mr. Tucker Bailey. His game winning catch had secured it for them. His team had carried him off the field in jubilation. They had come from behind and won it. Course it wasa double edged sword. That night his best friend had crashed his car into a pole and died instantly. It cast a darkness over the event. But the dream was just about how happy he had been. Tucker woke up smiling and with a song in his head. Odd. well he had to get to class like now. He was late and he did not need to be. Hell he had to keep his GPA up or risk being kicked from the team. Not that they would do that to their star reciever. He had been signed to the school, one of the best football schools in the country. He had a plan for his life. It was shaping to be a great day. Well Tucker thought it would be. He was a hopeful kind of guy. He woke up humming something jaunty. Why not it was his nature to be like that. He tried to keep a positive outlook on life. He showered and changed into a muscle shirt and some jeans. Standard issue football player clothing. He walked out with an apple and whistled as he closed the door. He noticed his next door neighbor. Anna he thought. He walked up behind her and smiled when he was next to her. "Hey, Anna! How are you this fine morning!" He asked happy. Just because.