[quote=@The 42nd Gecko] [@KoL] Speaking of space and time, probably the only thing I miss about the vassals is I never got to do a neat trick I had planned for Alexi vs Juno. Alexi: Via the interesting interplay of space and time, I can "sidestep" your gravity waves you send out to flaunt your power! Juno: Very interesting, but, I can still just teleport behind you and blast you. Alexi: Yes, well, there's always a few downsides to any technique. [/quote] Sincerely, Alexi would have no edge over Juno. She's quite used to fighting Time manipulating enemies, especially since her foil Vassal it's the one that has Time as their Element. By the way Element, just like Hohenheim said, is how the Vassals and their Masters call the concept that they embody. Like I said before, you guys shunned the Vassals before we could get to explain anything about them or yet to make the story more interesting for you. Making assumptions about them will not result in truth more often than not. [quote=@Inner Demon] Perhaps a discussion thread specifically for questions/explanations related to lore, history, and important characters/places? I've actually had a lot of questions myself. [/quote] Either that or a chat room/etherpad. The latter of all, seems to be the best option when it comes to archiving. [quote=@The 42nd Gecko] Is Ananta gonna hold a storytime for the kiddies? Or will this be entirely OOC? [/quote] A potential framing device. It can certainly be considered. [quote=@thewizardguy] [@KoL] So objects can be created together with energy/states already applied to them? So for example, you could create a computer chip as well as provide it with electricity? Could Silver Eyes be used for 'brute force' attacks, creating laser beams and blasts of fire? Effectively simply bringing a destructive force into existence. Could the Silver Eyes be used to 'create' things such as space and time? So could you use Silver Eyes to create a pocket dimension, expand the space between two points, or create a corridor of contracted space? Could you create a time distortion similar to that created by a black hole to alter the flow of time in an area relative to the rest of the universe? Think 'hyperbolic time chamber' or 'narnia'. [/quote] I'll have answers for these when I'm in front of a proper computer, in a couple hours or so.