[@Lonewolf685] Juno's done it in 50% of the fights she's shown up in. Under the whole "the entire battlefield is now x10 gravity" move, unless Alexi can block with a creative use of her powers (which I've just been told can't be done) she's just left suffocating on the ground. Which is a bummer, cause I thought Alexi was my strongest remaining character. I thought that her manipulating the speed of light was pretty good move against gravity. Apparently not. But, not like it matters, because no one'll figure out the secret to getting Alexi on the battlefield. And Juno's already agreed not to show up again. It's an entirely pointless theoretical situation anyway. I just thought Alexi would be at least able to stand on the same battlefield as a vassal though, even though in my original post I acknowledged that Alexi would still get instantly annihilated if a vassal actually paid attention to her.