Hey there, Anaeia here. I'm old to the roleplaying world, been here for over several years, on and off the last few. Animals have taken up most of my roleplaying experience, the other being some kind of fantasy based which I would like to dabble in some more. I've had a craving and the other place I'm on isn't too active. So lets see how this goes! I'm not into fandoms really, the only one being the book series Warriors. I like to imagine my own little world and toss all sorts of things in there, whether to see how it turns out or to further my own character's story and development. Which there is one in particular that is very special to me and I would like to try out here. OR. A group of people and myself are creating a story/comic of sorts, so maybe you could help me with figuring things out for that. AT first I can be a bit distant or not very 'focused' with these interactions, but I am trying. For almost my entire fantasy roleplaying life I have done it with only a select handful of people who are no longer around. So this will be a big step and definitely out of my comfort zone. Please be gentle with me. Feel free to contact me.