[quote=@The Incredible John] Is this still open? I have a few ideas rolling around in my head for an unconventional mining settlement. [i]cough[/i] [s]like a cult[/s] [i]cough[/i] [/quote] Still open and I'm cool with your idea. [quote=@catchamber] [@gorgenmast] Can players create characters as members of other players' outfits? I feel like that'd help keep things together. [/quote] Yes. [quote=@BingTheWing] [@gorgenmast] How big is the inflatable structure/how many people can it fit? EDIT: Also, would you still need a heating system with the inflatable structure, seeing as it's climate-controlled? [/quote] It's a flattened dome with an area of... 1,500 square feet seems reasonable. So 44 feet/13.4 meters wide. Probably comes with partitions you can use to create rooms so it should have no problem accommodating up to 5 people with a couple people sharing a room. Less if you like your privacy or want to use some of that space as an office. As for the climate control system that is included, that will be sufficient to keep the structure halfway comfortable throughout most of the planet's climates and latitudes. But below the 75th parallel (or above the 75th parallel if we're talking about the Arctic Circle), you're going to need something more robust to keep your living spaces livable.