That's a pretty good foundation as far as necessary detail goes. It answers most immediate questions and needs for any players who want their characters to address the gods. Two extra questions I can think of, though they may be answered in other sections you've written, are how the gods relate to each other (origin stories, divine family or individual powers) and therefore how parishioners relate to each other. ie, are they related sects of the same religion, or do they consider themselves separate from each other? And can that cause tension? If you have a pantheon of gods, but people mostly worshipping singular deities, it's usually a good idea to know why or how that came about, or at least how the people view other gods. Whether they believe in them and simply choose to worship one over another because of different benefits/conditions, or if they only believe in one and think the others are phony. Or whatever the case may be. Or do people worship all the gods? Merely changing their prayers and acknowledgements and rituals throughout the year and day depending on which god may have the most power over that particular season, or personal effort they're making?