Full Name: Herald Clicker Nicknames/Aliases:Old Click Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Occupation:Former Antique Sundial Maker Description: A grumpy old man, a bit ragged since the loss of his job since it involved the sun. Wears ragged-ish clothes. Greying hair with a grey beard. slouchy and wields a old cane Personality:Old, Grumpy and kind of losing it sue to old age. In all actuality he wants things to go back to the good old days Skills: Very brutal with that cane of his Very brutal Weaknesses: He's aging and not that fast. Brief History: He once made sundials for the rich Londoners but as London fell there was no use for sundials and thus lost his business. He kinda went crazy and still thinks that this is all just one big nightmare Hopefully Other:His two sons disappeared when London fell @MentionQuoteEdit