[@Zarkun] [color=SteelBlue]"I'm sure I could push my limits, but the effort would leave me drained and weakened,"[/color] Akagalcia listened patiently. Rave's caution was well warranted in this place. Why had she pulled so hard on her power? Had she been cautious and more subtle she could've bested each of them with Rave in turn. [color=SteelBlue]"...state your enemy can easily exploit."[/color] "I know, I know," Akagalcia stared glumly where the last of her vomit clung to her leathers, barely visible in the dark. "...I just wanted to prove I wasn't talking about bone. You carry metaphors too far. You do not listen." She fell silent, giving up on the explanation for now. Rave could sense some regret radiating from her surface thoughts. Regret, and obvious frustration with her difficulty communicating. Then the footsteps. Akagalcia sniffed as they came near, Rave springing back and training his rifle at the door. She rose, weary, but recovered enough from her throes to stand up without support. She had her kukri in one hand and a hunk of loose asphalt she'd packed in her leathers in the other. [color=SteelBlue][/color] <...if we can climb a tall building, I can Door us to any point I can see. I haven't been farther than five miles or so from Nova Tavern. Little Athredan is usually safe. The hunters were [i]not[/i] local.> Rave could feel waves of heat radiating from Akagalcia, a dull red glow filling the cargo shell. She was cooking the asphalt in her hand.