[center] [img]https://i.giphy.com/media/Ru5Zs47wXoAYU/source.gif[/img] [h2][color=gold]Magnus Bane[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] Magnus chuckled as leo spoke and was about to say something when something hit his car. He was instantly sitting forward about to shoo whatever animal it was away from his car when he saw callie. Much like leo he was out of that car in a rush, yet he was eerily calm. The type of calm that enveloped doctors when they were in surgery. The only piece missing was music. Magnus went to the trunk of his car first pulling out various supplies and then threw up a bag. As the bag fell a cloud of black dust shot out and landed in a thick circle around the car. Upon closer inspection it was clearly mountain ash. Once that was done he knelt down next to leo and callie. [color=gold]"...I don't intend on letting her die...so of course"[/color] He moved his hand over the ground and left a rune of deception clearly meant to hide what he was doing. Magnus nodded at the rune then snapped his fingers causing a blue flame like light to appear out of them, his eyes snake eyes. As one hand moved causing several ingredients to crash into each other, the other hand was gathering more identifiable supplies. Mainly gloves, a needle the type of normal looking things. A small trail of blood left his nose as he went, but he ignored it. Once the ingredients made two items Magnus really went to work. Pressing a bit of the more liquid potion to Callie's arm he made sure it was number before he started sewing. His movements were quick and the threading was precise. If it even left a scar it would be a sharp line. Once finished there, he slathered a more paste like substance on the areas that needed t and then wrapped them with a bandage. Letting out an exhale magus wiped the blood away and then looked at leo. With a head shake he pressed a different fluid against his forehead for helping with over use of abilities. Another face wipe as magnus pulled out a rather glittery flask and took a sip before falling over exhausted with the amount he just did. Luckily he had closed the flask back up before the contents spilled everywhere. [hr] [center] [img]http://reallylatereviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/tumblr_nq5tdfAaN31uxvu3bo1_250.gif[/img] [h2][color=lavender]Gage Brooks[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] Gage blinked awake as soon as he heard Miri speak. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before the emotions hit him like a truck. He looked at mirianda and felt the tiredness melt away. This was not like him. He had always bottled up everything...always was the quiet glaring brother. He inhaled. [i]What the hell Miri[/i] He slid forward in his seat and clasped his hands in front of him. [color=lavender]"I had stayed here all night. Only leaving to try to save what belongings i could from the fire my ex foster parents started. Im trying my best miri"[/color] It was a different sort of anger. More like rolling thunder clouds then the actual thunder. Gage stood anger still rolling off of him and made his way to syleste. He lightly kissed her hand and shut his eyes while his arms shook. He wa trying to find his anchor. To stop this feeling he had never really experienced before. He wanted to break something that much was clear. But would leaving help anything? He wasn't so sure at the moment. His arms tremors again and he gave a frustrated exhale. He really wanted to go punch the heck out of a tree. Maybe throw something...possibly even yell a bit. [hr] [center] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/65a3604061db0d14a9099db6b6568943/tumblr_memuuohkNi1rnfdloo1_500.gif[/img] [h2][color=lightgreen]Aron Brooks[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] Aron was standing there awkward as could be when there was a knock. He moved to open it being the closest one to the door when an envelope slid under the door. It had a rather ornate seal and was addressed to Aron. He blinked and lightly held it up before shrugging and opening it. He read through it once. And then twice. Ashe read he moved toward the wall as his eyes watered. Aron slowly slid down the wall and tears fully streamed. It was unclear if they were happy or sad tears, but the continued to fall as aron read the letter once more. His hands started to trembled and finally he dropped the letter and tucked his face into his knees and just cried. Along with the tears there was a small amount of hiccuping laughter at how insane the information he just received was. He seemed to be loosing it. Aron reached over and grabbed the letter once more before reading it. A look filled with varying degrees of emotion swept him and he tossed the letter again as his head leaned against the wall. No longer really noticing the others in the room with him while he had a mental break down.