[@Suku][@JBRam2002] "Rest where?" His words were quiet, but the question hung in the air, waiting for an answer that would never come. Kaede Yamamoto looked at the younger girl, his face having set into a pall of exhaustion and despair. Yet there was still enough in him to ask that rhetorical question, to question whether or not his underclassman knew the situation they had found themselves in. "Nowhere near here," he said, the tinge of exasperation in his tone fighting with his tiredness. "Nowhere safe." His safety was not that important at all. He needed to find Okazaki. That was all. "We ... we can't stay put," he managed out with a sigh, before beginning to jog after Kimiko. His body still ached with the pain of that battle, but he ignored it. Pushed it to the side.