[center][h2][color=f26522]Rumia Shinrikyo[/color][/h2] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/LWm7QJl6LBeAwavRx-I38QWASbJV9pXvk6-notFl3a0/https/i.imgur.com/JmfAGwu.gif[/img] [@Pirouette][@GlitchyBugger][@BladeSS4][@Odin][/center] [hr] Assimilation of the Yuki was complete, with the innocent lass caught in th acidic web of the resident Heisenberg. Validation and the such later, it seemed the gang was set on taking the scroll distinct from the rest of the challenges. Rumia's instincts encouraged her to avoid this particularly unique path, but the overwhelming thrill seeker within couldn't just ignore the inevitable high obtained from the more peculiar of challenges. Though just as they would step onto their selected direction, an unknown male figure would present himself out of the blue. A swordsman by the looks of it. Our ginger friend would set a hand on her hip, and squint upon scrutinizing his frame. Judgmental she sure was, and her expression wouldn't morph too far from a dull scowl. The hick wasn't too impressed, for he was not a cutie-pie like the lil' Hime they had adopted. "[color=f26522]Uh-huh. Right, four. Fine. I reckon he COULD make a smoll spot fer you, lil' boi. S'long as you shake on it with Kyoka 'course.[/color]" A quick tilt of her head would have the redneck head honcho gaze at the direction of the blonde, offering her a wink. They were clearly up to no good. But young Tashiro at least had a team to compete in this trial. Once actually ported into the challenge area, they'd come to notice just how similar it was to the wait room. All white, sober and with only a couple of doors and kanji marked over them. With barely enough time to actually inspected the area, a form of psionic link would infiltrate their minds and force the squad to listen to a particular set of instructions. Something about yin and yang, jargon that was completely beyond the redhead's thought process. She would fully absorb the catch of the whole thing, however. The condition in order to progress. Two had to fall, in order for the other two to survive, and to proceed. To a street hound like Rumia, the choice was obvious. She was to progress, and force anyone contesting her choice to be shoved into the other room. Immediately she'd take action, once the doors open. "[color=f26522]Tsk, fuck this shit.[/color]" Hands in her pockets, she'd make her way toward the door. She could be stopped or warned, but Rumia would not exit immediately. The ginger would half next to the door frame, and turn her gaze toward the group. "[color=f26522]I ain't gon' waste more time in this shitty exam. If we listen to that voice of their's, I'm moving forward. And I want my lil' cuz with me.[/color]" Pursing her lips, she'd then peer at the direction of Hime. A dilemma came to be. The cute little thing was basically their plush doll now, and leaving it behind was heart wrenching. "[color=f26522]... Dammit. Cuz, you got any clue how we gotta go 'bout this? I kinda smell a rat. Maybe a big ol' 'fuck you' is what we gotta do, dontcha think?[/color]"