[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Callie Lenson[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/63228248/original.gif[/img] [b]Location[/b]: Outside veterinary clinic [b]Interacting with[/b] Leo ([@December])[/centre] [hr][hr] The sound of a car door opening… rushed feet… Leo’s voice… being pulled to the ground, but not resting on the ground, instead nestled in Leo’s lap… she blinked up at him, not truly seeing him, but she’d taught Leo the last five years… she knew his presence, and she leaned against him, not caring that she was dripping blood all over him, ruining his clothes. She turned slightly, burying her face against his chest, tears falling unbidden, her shoulders shaking, pressing her injured arm against him. As Leo was putting two and two together, Callie was trying not to fall apart completely, drowning in a pool of grief, fear, and shame. She hadn’t been fast enough… she’d done something wrong… she should have protected Alexis better… she’d been foolish to go out there, but she’d thought they would be safe… She couldn’t unsee the image of Alexis on the ground, light fading from her eyes. She hadn’t protected her, when she should have, she’d done everything she thought was right, but it hadn’t been enough. She’d as good as killed Alexis. Why couldn’t she ever save anyone? Was she doomed to just watch people die? Shaking violently, sobs escaped her. Alexis had been so bright, so eager, always asking questions, she’d had a bright, wonderful future, and now it was gone. The chance to help mould her, for the future… was gone. The girl had been so worried about telling her classmates what she was… she’d been just a normal teenage girl, wanting to be accepted, and Callie hadn’t been able to do anything, anything at all but [i]run[/i]. Leo beginning to weave magic pierced her mind, but even that wasn’t enough to break her thoughts, her grief, to rip open the shock beginning to settle over her, making everything thick, hard to hear, to see, to focus. And she still saw Alexis, heard her screams, and still, she was unable to save her. [color=coral]”She’s dead… she’s dead… I couldn’t save her”[/color] she kept on whispering, muttering against Leo’s shirt, which was rapidly being stained with her tears, her blood and still she clutched herself against him, his warmth and familiar presence perhaps the only thing she was hanging onto, tethering herself, her very sanity, to him. She didn’t care what Magnus might try to do, or if he was even going to do anything, all that was keeping her from the ledge was Leo, and it was him she wanted, needed. The spell that Leo cast on her settled over her like a blanket, but a wet, cold, itchy blanket that she couldn’t shake off. She didn’t have the presence of mind to shake the spell off, nor did she want to. [color=coral]”L-L-Leo… No inn… s-Sombra’s there… Myra… No hospital... “[/color] There was no way she was going to go back home, not if Sombra was there with Myra… Sombra would properly charge off, and get herself hurt… Myra would want to see where the attack had happened, and probably wind up getting hurt- the tough chief of police might like to think she could hold her own… but she’d be torn apart…. Just like Callie… squeezing her eyes shut tight, she clutched Leo’s shirt, her arm throbbing painfully. The hospital was also out of the question… if she was taken there, the doctors, the staff, hell, even passing cops would put two and two together, and then the new pups would be in danger… Zoé would be in danger, and Xerxes… and anyone else covering for the miraculously healed teenagers. She couldn’t have that happen… she couldn’t put anyone else in danger. There was no where else to go... She opened her eyes, and looked up at Leo, pleading, begging to not have to put anyone else in danger. [color=coral]”No hospital… I don’t want anyone else.. “[/color] Something caught her eye, and she turned her head slightly, blinking, before letting it drop. [color=coral]”The vet clinic… “[/color] As Magnus approached her and began to do something, Callie shook her head, reaching out with her uninjured hand to shove him away. While she trusted Magnus, and knew he had skill, she didn’t want his administrations. She didn’t really want any ones administrations, but she recognised that if she was asked by anyone, she needed… needed an official report that stated that the bite was from a normal wolf, or even a dog, something that could cover the packs asses. So she pushed Magnus away, the idea of the vet clinic in her mind, [color=coral]”No… the vet… the vet, she’s supernatural, right? She can help cover up… She needs to see the bite, then… “[/color] She didn't even seem to be aware of Magnus anymore, focusing hard on Leo, needing him to do this for her, [color=coral]"Please... it will protect Alexis, too... Its the only thing I can do for her... Please, Leo... "[/color]