[quote=@Murtox] 1. [b]Nation Name[/b]: The Kingdom of Hermasia 2. [b]Head of State & Age[/b]: King Alcides Narváez (Age 32) 3. [b]Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War[/b]: Neutral Nation. 4. [b]Culture[/b]: The Kingdom of Hermasia has a culture and history all of its own, being an independent and neutral nation for most of its history. During its history, there have been many threats to its sovereignty but those were fended off sometimes by military strength, sometimes thanks to diplomacy and sometimes by pure luck. This sovereignty has led to the existence of a very nationalistic society, that tends to remain somewhat isolated from outside currents, not totally of course because then Hermasia would no longer be a country. For the most part, the power in the country is retained by the King and the royal family, who are the symbols of unity in Hermasia, often making appearances on military parades or the like. In culture, Hermasia is like a vault of old times with new times. One good example of this would be the mix between the traditional red and black dresses of the women, and the more modern white dresses. That ends up with a very traditionally adorned dress that the women dress daily, but that still is modern enough for use outside the country. Music is more of the same and while traditions and festivals are deeply rooted in Hermasia, modernity has also taken its toll as cars and factories, have changed the clean landscape of the kingdom. History wise, Hermasia has a long history of knights and lords, who valiantly fought off invaders and married ladies from other countries. This tradition has now devolved into an aristocracy that follows the king like their ancestors always did. Castles and other relics of the past, that would otherwise be forgotten and unused, are still in use in Hermasia with many aristocrats clinging to traditions of olds and forming their little retinues around themselves. Even if they no longer have any power. When it became clear that war was coming to the continent, Hermasia made a clear decision to remain neutral in those foreign affairs. Even if it hurt the position of Hermasia, the king would not sacrifice the blood of his people for a war that he knew would cause great pain and change the world forever. After all, Hermasia had retained most of its custom and core values from long ago, there was no need to risk it for some foreign cause. Now that the war is over, Hermasia continues to stands proudly on its area of the world has escaped from the brutality and cruelty that the war had brought to the countries that were part of it. But even as the world changes around them, Hermasia doesn't and while they take from outside what the seem necessary. The country is, after all, a relics on its own right. [/quote] [b]Accepted[/b]. Please PM me your Round 1 & Round Draft draft from the [b][color=lightblue]Pact Nation Historical Draft[/color][/b] and the [b][color=red]Defeated Nation Historical Draft[/color][/b]. Because you are not the first to go, please send a list, in order of priority, of the 3 traits you want most, in case the first (or second) that you want, is already taken. Thank you.