[center][color=39b54a][h1]-[b][u]Wind[/u][/b]-[/h1][/color] [img]https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/1/1a/Hurricane_Kenjutsu_Result.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140122224238[/img] [/center] To those taking the Wind Scroll challenge, no room awaited them. They were taken to the center of a small forested area, fairly far away from the village. The area had several rocky hills that rose up out of the forest. Even more eyecatching, however, was the dark sky. Beyond that, an extremely loud roar permeated the area, winds whirling heard in the distance. Its source was easy to track, a massive tornado made its way across the woodland. Trees, branches, and all manner of debris orbited it with no problem. What else was inside was impossible to say so much material it left. In its wake, it left a devastated trail, trees stripped of their branches and left barren. The trail itself was circular. It seemed the Tornado had been rampaging across the path for quite some time. Infact, the only area that seemed more or less alright was a large hill of stone, mostly untouched by the tornado. It rose far above the treeline, being the highest point in the area. In the area, not much else was too much of note. There were a few human tracks away from the tornado, and no forest animals near it. The human footprints, perhaps unsurprisingly, came through the treeline, not on the ground. The odd thing was there was no rain with the dark skies. The tornado was beyond a doubt man made. An observant shinobi might note the tornado's weird behavior. Large objects were launched away from it. Like the tree trunk that came flying straight at the group, but no small shrapnel flew out of it. Whatever small item came inside the tornado stayed there. The proctor felt there was no need to leave a note, or anything else. They would find the scroll, or they wouldn't. A ninja would see under the underneath... or through chaos in this case.