I would read this as a book in a heartbeat! :dreamy So am I interested? Heck yes! My questions? Why were the Jagers apart of the Nazi Regime if they're only interested in Vampires and not the six? I don't mean for this to come off as accusatory, but there are long-standing lies about the Jewish community that they steal and kidnap gentile children and use them for [i]blood[/i] magic and other such awfuls, so I [b]strongly[/b] advise you [b]not[/b] try to draw any connection whatsoever between Vampires and Jews, seeing as those kind of (made up) connections are part of the reason for the death of millions, and the historical oppression of Jews. (Unless you are Jewish yourself, and are already aware on how to handle this situation properly and respectfully to all those who died) Furthermore, having Jews connected to Vampires, whether intentional or not, would give validity to the Holocaust as a good option in the vein of greater good . . . and I hope I don't have to explain why that's extremely bad. Especially with the recent resurgence of Nazism in the US. Again, [b]I'm not trying to accuse you of being a Nazi-Sympathizer.[/b] The idea of a sect of The Order not caring about the six sounds very intriguing; I just hope to enlighten you on the implications of your details. Besides that, I suppose I just wonder abut technical things in regards to the Six and The Guardians. A big one being: How do the Guardians seek out the Six if they fail to meet with them at their predestined locations? For example, as you said: [quote]But how would you know your not crazy, that its just your imagination? Why is it you remember so many things and no one else does? How do you believe in yourself? In your own mind?[/quote] Even more so in the past, but even till today, people are pretty hush-hush about (in this case what they [b]perceive[/b] to be) mental illness stuff due to society being pretty judgemental. So what if somone just keeps in denial, and doesn't meet up. Or worse . . . what if someone has [b]RESPONSIBLE PARENTS[/b] [s]THE SHOULD-BE BANE OF YOUNG ADULT STORIES[/s] :lol By that I mean, what if a kid tells their parent(s), and (like a responsible human) doesn't feed into what they preceive are delusions of grandeur, and instead placate while they're talking about it, and suggest later that they need to seek help. They don't even have to be rude or anything, but simply supportive parents taking their (what they believe) mentally ill child to a therapist, and possibly a psychiatrist for medication in order to help them. These aren't all plot holes, as they can be explored in the IC, but they are definite posibilies seeing as this has been going on for thousands of years. ALSO! Magic! Me excited! There are so many possibilities for magic, especially the ritualistic kind you seem to be going for, so I'd love to hear more about it. :D So yeah, this idea seems [b]amazing[/b], I'm just concerned and intrigued with some of the intricacies :)