[@Zarkun] [color=SteelBlue][/color] Rave sent. Akagalcia sniggered very quietly. Akagalcia stooped down to the floor of the cargo shell, tapping the kukri's spine against the alloy paneled floor for a surprisingly loud [i]cleowng, cleowng, cleowng[/i] sound. She held up the piece of glowing red asphalt, which was starting to crack, lancing a much more intense heat from within out into their confined space as the personnel searching for them gathered around the cargo shell. Her will on the asphalt was a beacon in his mind. Rave wouldn't even have to look to extend his will and give her what she was asking for. [color=black]"Athredani Circumstantial Forces! Disarm, disrobe, and deactivate that thermal charge or we will open fire! This is your only warning![/color] She stepped silently closer to him. He could already feel something new about Akagalcia's projection...