Eh, why not :) Got a work in progress as I decide what would be good for him :D [center] [h1][b][color=silver]Val Coriptus[/color][/b][/h1] [img][/img] [hr][i][color=silver]The Ascension is upon us, and when it comes, you self-righteous vermin be the ones left behind[/color][/i][hr] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Val Coriptus [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Alignment:[/b] Dark Shadow [b]Rank within Organisation:[/b] Second In Command [b]Birthmark Shape:[/b] The shape can be best described as a detailed outline of his bicep. [b]Location of Birthmark:[/b] Left bicep and shoulder. [b]Magical Abilities: Telekinesis[/b] - Starting out as a tool for general living, as his ideology grew and moulded, so do did his ability's purpose and effectiveness. While it is more often than not used for convenience, the most notable demonstrations of his ability has been when subduing another individual. He commonly forces the human in the air while he is free to extract whatever information he likes from them. While effective, the caveat to using it on a human is that it requires his full concentration, meaning he cannot subdue multiple people, and that his guard is vulnerable. [b]Memory Extraction:[/b] Placing his hand upon a subject's face allows the two of them to enter the same mind, giving Coriptus the opportunity to explore their memories and extract whatever information he desires. However, the extraction happens in real time, and there is a small possibility that the experience leaves his victims mentally broken. [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Toronto, Canada [b]Currently Residing:[/b] New York City, New York, USA [b]Personality:[/b] Coriptus has been described in the past as a conscientious individual, having a careful attention to detail and having a solid work ethic, regardless of the situation he is placed in. He is often described as a team leader in past careers, being able to observe a situation and act on it accordingly. But despite these qualities, underneath the charismatic individual lies a cruel, sadistic interior. He sees his tortuous actions as righteous and just, and his hatred for the Guild's nepotistic history is well documented. [b]History/Bio:[/b] Val was born into the well respected Coriptus family as the only child and heir to the family. Both parents were magical users and had taken great pride in their contribution to the Guild, through resources from their front company, to information regarding possible rule breakers in the society. Val's upbringing was one built on the respect and care for everyone around him, with his lessons built on understanding the society's rules and the fear that non-magic kind may have if elements beyond their understanding is revealed. Even as his powers were developing, his parents continued with their lessons, teaching him that the negative consequences of his power meant that it shouldn't be used under any circumstances. Unfortunately, his parents were killed in a terrorism incident during a tradeshow, leaving Val as the sole owner of the company and the last member of the Coriptus dynasty. Knowing his lack of business skill and saddened by the loss of his only family, he sold his stake for a sizeable fortune. He kept to himself, living off the interest and rarely made an appearance. But despite his parents's upbringing, Val held a secret resentment. He held a hatred for the Guild for their weak response to the incident that killed his parents, in addition to their line of succession neglecting leadership ability. With the death of his parents, his resentment for the non-magic kind for their inherently violent nature grew to the point that he started honing his craft on them. His telekinetic abilities became more refined, and his journey into their memories left many insane. While he was kept on the Guild's radar, he mostly stayed out of their way until recently, when he became involved with Dark Shadow. His influence and his skills with the group lead him to become second-in-command, but has had a hands-off approach to the group, though he is not against getting involved if need be. [u]Relationships[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Aloysius Leighton [b]Relationship:[/b] Warm [b]Characters opinion of them:[/b] Corpitus is in open co-operation with Leighton, both agreeing that magical users are inherently superior, but their personalities often clash on non-magic users, especially when it comes to their relationship with the parents. The two work well, but it is known that their opinions clash. [b]Name:[/b] Rose Miller [b]Relationship:[/b] Hates [b]Characters opinion of them:[/b] Coriptus loathes Rose, due to gaining influence through inheritance and not through demonstration of leadership. He believes she got to the position through nepotism, and isn't afraid to voice that.