[center] [h3]Jade Stone | Wall Rose, Trost District[/h3] [/center] It had been three years of the young girl wanted to kill anything within sight. Fortunately for everyone around her, Jade was able to grow past the anger and need for revenge. She had gone into the training thinking that she would come out with a purpose, but instead she came out wondering if she would ever even get the opportunity to get her hands on a titan. She had continued the rest of her training with little to no interaction after what happened in the mountains. She blamed herself for her injury and for the endangerment of the others. Jade shut everyone out like she was so used to doing. In the training, the young girl had proven herself to be an asset when it came to training with the maneuvering gear. She was quick and agile, easily responding to anything that crossed her path; the only thing that she couldn't quit get was the slicing of the nape. She wasn't strong enough and it infuriated her that someone would always have to help her make the cut deeper. Still, Jade kept pushing through and eventually showed the instructors that she was a force to be reckoned with, even if she did have that one little flaw. It wasn't until nearly the end of the training that she had put one a slight bit of weight and was able to make a deep enough cut to please the instructors. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be enough to keep her with Lauren and the rest of her team that she had grown to be so fond of, even if she did ignore them most of the time. Mora, Sano, and herself were ordered to join another team due north of the wall. The heart ache she felt was strong, but not strong enough to make her protest against the move. Instead she went willingly with her head hung low, her raven black hair covering her face. About a day's ride away from where they had left, the group had received news that wasn't expected; Jade would have to return to the previous post due to an error. While she felt herself cheer up a bit, all she could do was look longingly at Mora and Sano, whom still had to keep on their journey to the north. Jade felt a strange emotion rise up in herself, but she forced it back down as she swallowed. She didn't want her friends to see her break down, so two quick hugs were given before riding back. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=92278f]"You'd think they'd have their shit together instead of having me waste my time riding around the world like this,"[/color] Jade muttered as she neared the wall on her horse, after letting one of her superiors know that she was back. Before deciding to go up, the petite, young woman pulled into the stables nearby, hopping off of her horse and leading it to the water and food. [color=92278f]"I'll be back sweet girl."[/color] A smile graced Jade's face as she pet the horse once before turning and making her way to the base of the wall. As she reached down to her gear to go up, a flash of light that was all too familiar made her freeze in her spot. Her green eyes widening as she quickly realized what that meant. The screams of the past came back to haunt her as she tried to get her body to respond to her mind. The debris came before she could clear her mind of the screaming, her hands quickly reaching down and moving fast enough to barely get her out of harms way. Jade's small body jolted as she went flying into the air, away from the debris and onto the wall. She was able to place her feet just right so that she wouldn't go crashing into the wall, but her eyes were elsewhere. Searching through the smoke and dust, she searched for any of her friends that might have been up on top. [i][color=9e0039]"What do we do now?!"[/color][/i] [color=92278f]"Emil?!"[/color] Jade recognize the young man's deep voice as soon as he had spoken, but she couldn't quite find the source. Once a bit of the dust settled, she was able to pin point him exactly, standing back at the bottom of the wall. Without thinking, Jade shot back down towards him, letting her arms extend and her body practically crash into him as she hugged him. [color=92278f]"Oh thank goodness you're alright. Where are the others? Where is Lauren!?"[/color] The panic in her voice only became more evident as she mentioned Lauren. She let go of the young man and looked up to where he had been shouting at. There in the distance, just above them, hung Lauren from the wall. Jade's heart skipped several beats before she began shouting at her dear friend, [color=92278f]"Lauren!! Lauren come down, fall back!"[/color]