[center][h3]Akagalcia, The Exile[/h3][/center] [color=SteelBlue]"Make it quick. They won't wait long before-"[/color] Akagalcia didn't move an inch as the beam shot through the cargo shell, boring almost six inches into the pavement below. Rave could sense the rapid bindings she was weaving as he returned fire, all of that work in the span of a single moment. He might not even fully understand how it was done the first time she showed him when he was giving his full attention. Rave began the coldsnap as she'd asked for, Akagalcia closing her eyes on cincentration. She took a deep sniff of air, tapping her foot against the floor of the cargo shell for an echo. She wanted to sense as much of what she was about to do as possible. Rapid condensation was already forming on both the interior and exterior walls of the shell. She could feel their persuers faintly... their weight against the pavement, their breathing. It was the perfect moment, when she could funnel the pattern for the exact effect she wanted. She braced against the pain... ...and then Rave felt the rush of the pattern. He heard the scream of air vacuuming at intense speeds through a pinprick opening he couldn't see, presumably a part of Akagalcia's pattern. Then, by the light of the glowing asphalt, he saw the walls of the cargo shell contort [i]inward[/i] from the pressure change she was causing. This only lasted for a moment before the pattern finally terminated... [table][row] [cell][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz9Y8s2EVKU][img]http://i.imgur.com/KdzywDR.png[/img][/url][/cell][cell][right] [sub][color=orange][b]Little Athredan - Warehouse Block E, 'Repid Expulsion Grid'[/b][/color] [@Zarkun][/sub][/right][/cell] [/row][/table] ...in an [b][i]explosion[/i][/b] of force and steam that caused the cargo shell to blow apart, shooting flecks of shrapnel and twisted hunks of alloy throughout the interior. The roof of the shell did the most damage, slamming into and visibly denting sheet metal ceiling. Hunks of debris ricocheted off of brick walls and other cargo shells. A tall stack of containers labeled {Caution! Explosive Contents!} began to fall away from where Rave and Akagalcia were standing, both of them unharmed and unphased at the sudden chaos. Akagalcia opened her eyes, looking around to see the unconscious bodies of the squad that had been about to light them up. "Feeling weakened, or in a state our enemy can exploit?" As if to emphasize her smug grimace, the frame suspending the dozen or so containers full of explosives crashed on its side loudly, over a hundred thick metal springs 'gloinging'. Whatever was inside those containers didn't seem to be active.