[@Dynamo Frokane] First and foremost, a person is entitled to an opinion, even if it is a bad one. Within free speech you cannot pick or choose what is or is not acceptable to say; there are some exceptions to this, such as threatening the life of someone with the perception to be that they can make good on it or in specific circumstances where forum dictates you cannot say certain words like "bomb" in an airport without consequence. Second, the issue is, is that he has been branded the wrong thing. For example, they labeled him the usual fare instead of correctly calling him an antisemite; being against Jews isn't racism, as "Jew" isn't a race, but it certainly is prejudice. No less, they resorted to crying foul and flailing, rather than confronting and exposing what a foolish perception that is. All they have is a "Here! Here!" moment which makes observers, like myself, sigh from lack of amusement. They might have had a point but they squandered it like fools. All they did was validate him within his own mind, as they are oft to do. It would be too difficult, in their perception, to confront him and host any sort of dialogue and make him out himself as being biased; they went digging instead. Lastly, mean words and uneducated opinions are not grounds for assault, let alone assault with a deadly weapon. They are and were more worried about his opinion than the fact he was attacked. I am sorry, but as much as I despise and want nothing to do with him personally - as I have said prior to not following or trusting any one person - he was still the victim of an attack. In order to remain an impartial arbiter I must accept that my contrarian urge to his does not mean he is an acceptable target.