[@jakeb1993][@codex][@FrankenDaughter] How would y'all feel about changing it up a bit? Keep Death's Input, Death's Touch, because the latter would be easy to defeat while still paying problems and allowing hijinks. Axe the doll ability to transfer damage, or make it watered down so you'd practically have to destroy it completely to kill someone. Perhaps even a kickback to [name] in a psychological measure. Or simply remove the dolls aspect, and rely on the Imps. These things all take time to create, I should note, as well as energy. I could perhaps go with keeping Death's Input and Death's Touch, following up with: [I] Death's Sensors: [/I] [name] can, with concentration and being within 50m of the Imp, see through a single Imp's eyes, hear what they hear, etc etc. Best used for recon. And finally, and this one I understand if it's a no go... [I] Death's Scythe: [/I] Upon gathering DANA from a target, and having an understanding of them from Death's Input, [name] can enter a mediation state. This takes time, effort, and cannot always work if the target is protected magically. Once fully entranced, [name] can merge her aura and theirs, and inflict minor harm onto their physical body, or cause mental strain like paranoia, depression, etc. This comes at a price, however: all harm done to another is done unto [name], though in a smaller property. [hr] Would that be a not acceptable concept? If not, I do understand. And that just means I'll begin working on a new concept. ^^