[center][h1][color=E97E99]Millicent Clarke[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/SPSJuKZtKMQlq/giphy.gif[/img] [color=E97E99][i]Location: The Faithful Bride[/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Millicent let the axe throwing go. As far as she was concerned, she intruded on her space so it was only fair she be nearly beheaded. That being said, it occurred to her that there were multiple people here with amazing, unnatural abilities. The woman at the dock and now an axe throwing lady. What next? She shook it off as the woman spoke. When she mentioned the names, images flashed in her mind. She had heard of the Dywells before, most notably through The Crypt. Every member of the Monarchs knew of them. She heard the rumors and the stories. If this was the Virginia she heard about, it only proved her point that she needed to be involved in this investigation. Not only would it provide valuable intel for the Monarchs, but she could easily get an in should they return home. Who knows, perhaps the Dywells bit off more than they can chew. Can't kill what you can't see. [color=E97E99]"I know of them from reputation mostly, but one does hear things in my line of work. The upstart noble man bragging or the secrets shared among ladies in the dressing room. You've no right to trust me and I certainly don't wish to have another axe thrown at me, but I possess a variety of skills that would be worth having on their ship. I would like to seek passage and I have a feeling I know where their ship might be, even if you do not know the name. Rest assured, my lady, I will do my part to make sure they come home safe and unharmed, or if that not be the case, at least the mystery would be solved. And if there's one thing I love doing the most, it's solving mysteries."[/color]