[center][h2][color=yellow]Alexander Flores[/color][/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/ea/39/4eea39affbad1bc022ea71907f3a0df4.jpg[/img] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Cedar Ash Inn [b]Tags:[/b] Myra [@Caits], Sombra [@Vicier] Alexander rolled his eyes in annoyance when his sister had quite literally growled, for whatever reason it just shoved the maturity level of the argument further down for him. Though at her first words that she hadn't wanted them to die he'd simply given a confused look, despite the fact that Sombra had her eyes closed. Sombra continued on saying it was for their protection that she and James had left, which didn't help the contorted confusion on his face. Still she was being distant, not giving the full answer, a reason without a full meaning behind it. Something about the fact that he finally had Sombra in a face to face and she wouldn't give him a straight answer just pushed at the mans buttons. Reaching a hand up he rubbed harshly at his forehead, catching sight of Sombra suddenly turning towards him and giving a mighty glare. And for a moment he could have sworn he'd seen a flash of yellow in those eyes of hers, despite knowing full well they weren't normally such a color. Alexander chalked it up to some reflection as he crossed his arms over his chest whilst his sibling mentioned the feds, then tossed the badge at both his and Myra's feet. Alex didn't make a move to really look at it further or pick it up, just glaring at Sombra. It both pissed Alex of as well as hurt that her excuse was that they needed protecting from something, like somehow in some stupid train of thought [i]they[/i] were at fault when it came to her leaving. When they were younger Sombra had done just that, protected him, stood up for him, just simply been there. She'd made it clear that anyone who messed with her brother, messed with her. So any of those kids who'd picked on him or attempted to bully him...well, she dealt with them. Alex had no issue with admitting it to anyone, a part of him was proud to have had a twin that cared. But as years went on Alex had changed and had stopped needing her to fill that role for the most part. So to be given this crap excuse...it took everything he had not to walk out and leave. But a part of him feared if he left he'd never see Sombra again, that fear kept his feet planted where they were. [color=yellow]"So why now? What reason could you have to show up--"[/color] Alex's frustrated voice cut off abruptly as it clicked in his head as he glanced around the room. [color=Yellow][i]James wasn't here.[/i][/color] But judging by the bags on the bed he [i]was[/i] in Klamath Falls. And where exactly would James go without Sombra? To see his family. Why? Because Miranda had just been involved in the recent wolf incident. [color=yellow]"Oh."[/color] Alex spoke much quieter as things started to click into place. James was checking on his sister, probably at this very moment, and they'd likely come back for that reason. Unless there was incredibly good timing involved. Alexander shook his head as his arms unfolded, as he briefly wondered if they were even planning to stay or if this was just a visit. The thought of Miranda seeing her brother and being happy, only to have him leave again caused the man to flinch. Miranda didn't deserve that. [color=yellow]"You aren't planning on staying, are you?"[/color] It was a rather accusing question, and despite Alex's attempt to hold back any emotion other than anger, his voice betrayed him. [/center]