[right][color=slateblue]Violet[/color], [color=pink]Sakura[/color], [color=1462ba]Mariette[/color], [color=f07fdb]Deni[/color] and [color=57a345]Eli[/color] [i]Wrapping up the dinner evening at the Pit Stop with [@Shifter_Master] and [@t2wave][/i][/right] The evening continued after Amber had left. The Djinn Sisters, Mariette and Deni eventually got to order, and by now it seemed the excitement had waned, so Deni made sure to drag in Eli as well, because it was to be a complete dinner with all friends present. Out of the three in Mariette's group, Deni was obviously the most active individual present, asking the Djinn Sisters about their pasts just because and asking what their plans for the future and such potentially were. Eli sometimes asked if Deni was being a bit nosy and prepare to lecture her sister, but Deni just grinned and continue talking. Mariette was mostly quiet, but Violet made an effort to try to pull Mariette in to conversations at every opportunity but wasn’t very pushy about it. It was somewhat successful, Mariette spoke if she found she had something to say on the subject, mostly an opinion or a preference. But she wouldn’t speak of her past or current plans, only casual things. Turns out not even Deni or Eli knows her past. Hm. Where Mariette was silent about herself, however, Deni was more than happy to talk about Deni and Eli’s past before they were Magical Girls, and about various troubles the two had before finally Asengav split them up. That they were two girls in the same body that sometimes switched places. Told about times when the wrong girl became in charge for a current event, seeing how Deni was a socially outgoing and sought out activity while Eli was a shy but talented girl that preferred to keep to herself, mostly, and so they had varying skills that didn’t always show up at the right time. As for their future plans… “Eh, better you don’t know about them~”, Deni put it with a wide smile. Deni was totally interested in the weirdest wishes the Djinn Sisters had granted, and if there were any hilarious stories of wishes gone wrong or hilarious in general that they were willing to talk about. Eli was totally interested in that, too, eyes shining a little, but wasn’t as vocal about it. Mariette wasn’t particularly interested, listened. Violet hit it off with Deni and commented on the similarities between the two pairs of twins. Violet was free with various stories of odd or humors wishes but didn’t reveal any of the stipulations that they face with their wishes outside of the only three per person. During the evening, Mariette got her milkshake. She became visibly surprised when intaking it, staring at the “milk”, in alarm, before taking more of it. It was… delicious, in a way that Mariette had never consumed. It somewhat overwhelmed her, which was clear for all to see. Deni shared that they mostly ate the sandwiches provided by the fridge in their interdimensional apartment which Asengav had provided to them, as well as the food Joe made them, but Joe was by no means a chef and gave them no sweets. So this was Mariette’s first interaction with actual dessert. “Don’t get her addicted~” The part about Joe had just slipped out of Deni’s mouth, they weren’t actually supposed to talk about Joe because Joe didn’t want visitors from Mariette’s life. So, “please forget we mentioned him, okay~?” … And Eli was like “You mentioned him, not we” and another such exchange. Violet teased Mariette lightly about having a sweet tooth while simultaneously planning on spoiling her with sweets at every opportunity. She acknowledged Joe but was willing to not bring him up again. Mariette didn’t really react to being teased about having a sweet tooth, but after enough sweets she'd encounter another feeling she wasn't too familiar with. The feeling of being absolutely full. She didn't usually eat very much, you know. Then her willingness to eat drastically diminished. All the more for Deni and Eli! ... Oh, and the two of them could EAT, likely way more than the others at the table (devourers). And then the dinner continued until everyone was full and satisfied and had spoken together plenty as friends do, before Sakura paid for the meal, and then Deni and Eli could say they had a good time. They thanked the one who provided the money and then said they’d see each other again before Mariette and the twins went away through a portal. Deni said the the three owed them one because of paying, and she’d see if they could pay them back sometime. But for now, onto other things.