Since I've been playing a lot of Civ V lately I'll bite and show my noobiness :3 I often play as trade nations, like Morocco, who benefit a lot from gold. I find that gold is often my best friend, so I almost always prioritize it :D I also try to keep my science up, as well as culture if possible. Military strength is often my major weakness, so keeping other civs away or as friends is usually my best bet in this case c: I usually remain pretty much neutral throughout the game if possible, avoiding conflict unless its in my favour or I'm defending myself. After enough time, I usually start making so much money I can buy out city states, making them allies and using them to influence world congress, and buying my way into becoming World Leader XD It can sound a little boring, but it's pretty intense at times, though I'm not a super good player. I usually build tall, since it helps with defence and generating money ;) When going for domination, I'll typically use England or the Celts, since they're both pretty badass with their UUs. I'm not very good with other victory types so I really can't say much except for the fact I have an odd fascination with Spain :P