[center] [h2] Welcome to Misery [/h2] [h3]A War Torn Street[/h3] [@Flamelord][@Mercenary Lord][@Dealdric][@thewizardguy][/center] [hr] Police had arrived in the scene in the middle of the creation of Void. "What the fuck?" One yelled, as the first responders collectively added more distance between them and this thing. "What the hell is that thing?!" The man, meanwhile, took a step back himself. "Shit. This is a problem." He was definitely happy he'd sent Finch on his way already. "Gonna need that backup..." A pseudopod connected with his chest, tearing his suit and sending him flying. Blood poured from his chest as he stood up, but Void was already there. A blank wall appeared between the two, enveloping the man. "Guess I'm going to be catching up to Finch sooner than expected. Blanket the area." "Already working on it. You really kicked the hornets nest, stupid," a new, female voice replied. "How was I supposed to know she was so close?" Screams sounded as the entire block around them was plunged into darkness from the smoke, growing outward rapidly. Void continued it's onslaught forward, pushing through the solid above with relative ease, but the man and woman had quickly vanished in another direction. The beast began speeding through the streets in search of it's pretty, and eventually ended up in the Wilds, causing destruction in it's wake.