[b][center][h1][color=fff257]ACION[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HueIEl5.png[/img][/center][hr][/b] There were two other students who hadn't arrived, and the winged boy only realized that until they both came in. His friend, Reina, and a dark-haired figure. Acion couln't help but gave a light smile at the girl once his adversary. He would have given both of them a hello, but class was in session, so talking like that would be extremely rude. So he waited, waited, until Arsenal moved the class to the Gymnasium. Acion wasted no time approaching them. [color=fff257]"Good afternoon Reina, what took you so long back then?"[/color] His eyes then landed on the other guy. He appeared competent, and had a somewhat similar expression to Acion: observance, and most importantly determination. This could also be the hero everyone needed, and he may be on his same path. [color=fff257]"I don't think we have properly met. My name is Acion Nakamiji. In the same class as Reina here. You are?"[/color] [@Aerandir] [@Riegal]