Frog = dead :(. If he comes back he can take the RP over again, but for now we're guiding this ship with what he left for us. I won't be changing anything, rules etc and I'll try to take it from what's left over. With the help of the helpful badguy28. If you guys could do relations for all accepted chars that'd be great ;p OOC, post your CS if you're accepted :) Our discord for the RP. [@ReusableSword] Accepted, for your power we're okay with it as long as you dont use the meta immediatly to fuck people over or "killjoy" as one buddy explained it. [@TheIrishJJ] Accepted [@rechonq] Accepted [@candlelitcraft] I'll accept this if you amend one of the parts in your backstory. Powers started showing up this year, as frog wrote it. You have it written she picked this up in middle school, which would conflict with what he had down. If you could change it to she found it this year, then you'll be gold :) [@StormyClouds] Accepted. [@Juniper] Accepted.