[b]Character name: Beyer of the Mind (Formerly: of the Menders)[/b] [img]http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--8u3pNrN1--/uqxkzswhvvru4oxnzy6t.jpg[/img] [indent][/indent] [b]Character age:[/b] [indent]52[/indent] [b]Physical information:[/b] [indent]Beyer is some what older noticeably tall when compared to most of the mountain folk, with greying hair that is most noticeable in his beard. His hair is long and his face usually has about a week of stubble. His obsession with fixing the crops and learning what he needs for a trip to the void has left him little time for sleep much less shave. Beyond this he is slightly gaunt, thinner than most men his age. This is largely also to blame on his quest for knowledge, forgetting to eat for a whole day is not uncommon for him. However he does still have the longer bones and healthy physique of the "privlaged" class, his father and himself being a medical doctor for many years granted him a slightly better standard of living than many of the other mountain folk. [/indent] [b]Psychological information:[/b] [indent]Beyer is obsessed, among the other scholars he is viewed as someone lost on the path of the mind. During a regular day he will be awake early, as soon as the first artificial lights kick on for the morning mining shifts and farmers and will spend hours working at the failing crops, testing every variable he can think of before giving up in frustration around dinner time. occasionally he will eat and will then pour over books of xeno-biology, biochemistry, and toxicology. Preparing for his inevitable trip to the void, knowing that he may very well be the only one who stands between a toxic atmosphere, or arsenic laced plant and the mission crew. due to this he seems very distant with others, but those who get to know him realize its the only reason he is still sane, he has given his everything for the good of others and cares deeply for them. However it has also crushed him, the failure to fix the problem and desperately searching for a solution out in the void.[/indent] [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Beyer grew up the son of a doctor in the mountain city district Olympus Mons, his father was one of the few surgeons left. This gave Beyer an easy start to life, he grew stonger and smarter than most of the other children in the mountain who all showed varying signs of malnutrition. Olympus Mons had early and harsh crop failure, even when compared to the other mountain cities whos crops where mostly showing only a few signs of degredation. The district collapsed around the time Beyer came to adulthood and finished his training as a doctor, the rapid and crippling crop failures broke the populace abandoned the tunnels of Olympus mons to other areas, some even left for the wastes. Beyer left with the rest of the population and noticed the same crop failures that plagued Olympus Mons. He worked as a sucessful doctor for several years until he noticed the same children with the same malnutrition that his old home did. He quickly abandoned the medical trade for science, it didn't matter if he set a broken bone if the child starved next week. He spent most of his life as a scientist desperately trying to halt or reverse the degredation, or the Wither as some other researchers called it. It was slower than it was in Olypus mons, but every year there where a little less food and a little more desperation. Nothing he tried, nothing anyone tried slowed or halted the slow failure of the crops. It was nearly 6 months after the scientists had ran out of tests before they informed those in charge that science had nothing. Beyer looked towards the void, he began devouring any text he could find to ensure the mission survival, he became a skilled biochemist in months. Once the mission to the void was announced he personally volenteered on behalf of those on the path of the Mind. [/indent]