[center][img]https://i.giphy.com/media/dQd5kVCrNJi5W/giphy.webp[/img] [sub]Gosh there is a lot of you. I'm... surprised! Don't get me wrong I'm happy, but I also wasn't expecting this so that's cool.[/sub][/center] [@POOHEAD189] [img]http://i.imgur.com/X1NCGKC.jpg[/img] [@Fabricant451] :toot [@Saarebas] Ataas shokra. Though I suppose given your name, you aren't that big a fan of the Qun. Or maybe you are... I don't know fantasy theology is hard. lol [@The Valkyrie] Nice! [sub]Also Brienne is awesome.[/sub] [@The One][@Tendo] I do not know who has the avatar that unnerves me more and I'm unsure how that makes me feel. [img]http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/406/531/217.gif[/img] [@Sputnik] Nice again. Also dang, I forgot how much I liked Joe Quinones cover for the America series. Alright business time! Sorry for the late reply as I live in the magical land of GMT+12 or Kiwi Time. So I'll be popping up at what seems like extremely random hours to most people. [i]Curse you timezones, curse you![/i] I'll start working on the OOC after this since I have a little bit of a lull before my next lecture. But realistically, it will probably be up within the next two days hopefully and if that changes I'll let you all know. Also another note, as you might of noticed there are more than five people having shown interested. We will cross that bridge when we come to it, but I'm gonna share a secret in that I have a terrible habit of accepting more people than I say I'm going to accept because I'm too nice and stuff. That being said I'm not a first come, first serve kind of girl so take your time with it when it is time. I like effort not expediency