[hider=Okawari][center][h1][sub][color=darkturquoise][b]O K A W A R I / / T W E N T Y - F O U R[/b][/color][/sub][/h1][/center] [center][color=darkturquoise][sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oy5UauMOUA]Character Theme: DJ Okawari - Four Water[/url][/sub][/color][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UwjgYqn.png[/img] [sub][color=darkturquoise]"Even if you have your reasons and there are things you can't tell me, no matter what, I'm on your side." - [/color][url=http://www.less-real.com/quotes/5700]Historia Reiss[/url][/sub][/center] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Mihara Rin[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Legend:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Okawari[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Female[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Species:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Human[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Height:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]149 cm[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Weight:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]36 kg[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Unknown[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Unknown[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Complexion:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Fair[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Body Composition:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Lithe[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Condition:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Joe[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Level:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]One[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=Gray]Lithe and youthful, Rin is essentially a toothpick when compared to other survivors from the Week of Hell. Most just pass it off as she had never fully developed as a child, but the true reason Rin is so small is simply her Japanese heritage. Rin has the same olive skin and slimmer oval eyes common in Asia, although just like her hair, anything to do with Rin's eyes is unknown to the outside world. Often seen wearing a visor helmet to hide her face, Rin also wears a jacket with the kanji for spirit, some shorts, [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/321484640592330752/355028783839051788/leg_ref.PNG]rugged knee guards[/url], and a pair of converse sneakers.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=Gray]Put in the most simplest way, Rin is a woman held back by her own flaws. In truth, Rin is a kind sweetheart, wanting to make someone's day if she could--to bring hope in a world where death is a common occurance. However, outside a small circle of friends, Rin sees this as relatively impossible due to her stuttering disorder that has persisted since childhood. Rin is often afraid to speak her mind in fear of her stuttering being painfully obvious. As a result, wearing the visor helmet is no longer just for remembering an old friend, but also to keep others from matching a face to her voice.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] L I K E S & D I S L I K E S[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]DJ Okawari[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]Kindness[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]Sushi[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]Candy[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]Dango[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Infighting[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Feral zombies[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Hostile robots[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Committing crooked acts[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Cracking jokes about her stuttering[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] S T R E N G T H S & W E A K N E S S E S[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]Has a lithe body capable of crawling through tiny holes or places most people wouldn't fit.[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]Capable of sprinting long distances without breaking a sweat because of her tiny frame.[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✔[/color] [color=gray]While she struggles with English, Rin's kind attitude can quickly dissolve a conflict if shit happens to hit the fan.[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Struggles with a grasp on the English language, and frequently stutters as a result.[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Despite being distrustful of others, she is easily persuaded by false or actual kindness.[/color] [color=darkturquoise]✘[/color] [color=gray]Evident through her relationship with Nanase, Rin often struggles with letting go of people she cares for.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] H O B B I E S[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise][b]•[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Listening to DJ Okawari[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]•[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Painting various works of art[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]•[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Folding paper into origami[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] W E A P O N S[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise][b]Spray Paint Cans:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]An array of colorful cans of spray paint salvaged from an old garage. Primarily used to blind someone or alert them by tagging an object, Rin also uses them occasionally to practice her kanji.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] T E C H N I Q U E S[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise][b]Smelling Colors:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]With a spray can, Rin sprays paint onto someone's face. It can be harmful if ingested, but the spray paint's true potential is in blinding someone.[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Banksy Lives:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Like the graffiti artist Banksy, Rin can quickly create murals or markings by tagging objects, allowing her to confuse opponents long enough to make a swift get away or ready for an ambush.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] S K I L L S[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise][b]•[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Rin is somewhat bilingual, however, she doesn't have quite the same grasp of English as she does with Japanese.[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]•[/b][/color] [color=Gray]A capable artist, Rin can make paintings or drawings in exchange for potential resources.[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]•[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Finally, Rin is talented at repurposing objects for something else entirely different.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] G E A R[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise][b]Electronic Components:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Important pieces required to ensure the rebooting of Nanase in the future.[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Composition Notebook:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]A small notebook that Rin uses when her stuttering stops her from explaining what she is trying to say.[/color] [color=darkturquoise][b]Randoseru:[/b][/color] [color=Gray]A repurposed [url=http://cms.whiterabbitexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/rbagmain.jpg]backpack[/url] that her father bought long ago for Rin as an elementary student, now used to carry her belongings.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=darkturquoise][b]Mihara Rin[/b][/color] [color=gray] was the only child to a married Japanese couple that had resided in Tokyo, Japan. Her father had been a prosperous businessman dabbling in robotics, and in order to supplement his business dealings the Mihara family moved repeatedly throughout Tokyo and the surrounding areas. While Rin had been spoiled by her father's wealth, she was left without the companionship of children around her age. Eager to test one of his newest products, her father gave his daughter a robotic attendant by the name of Nanase, who would be Rin's constant companion. Whereas the masses had only seen robots as tools for their own advantage, Rin formed an odd bond with Nanase. The two of them would partake in childish activities such as tag or hide and seek, leading Rin to feel as if the robot was truly her friend. By her sixth birthday, Rin's father would be given a contract that required him to move to the United States, and like before, he brought his family with him. However, this had some technical difficulties for Rin, as she had just a small grasp of the English language, and found it difficult to communicate with the other children in her school. As a result of this language barrier, Rin developed a stuttering disorder created from her attempt to converse through English. Eventually, it had taken a turn for the worst when her fellow classmates would bully Rin because of her constant stuttering, and while her father threatened to sue the school until they took action, Rin would soon only trust those closest to her with what she wanted to say verbally. Outside of her family and Nanase, Rin would be as meek as a mouse, becoming quiet and essentially turning invisible in crowds of people in both her school and outside class. Fast forward a few years, and the Week of Hell had begun. Scientists were blamed for playing god when the deceased came back with a cannibalistic appetite, and the world's robots turned on humanity. Her parents were eliminated quickly, and Rin would have proved as an easy target for Nanase. Nevertheless, the then nine year old had a stroke of luck, and Nanase decided to protect Rin from the new horrors of the world. Together, both robot and child traveled the lands as refugees, seeking out a safe location to at least survive the night away from the rotting meat bags and killer robots. Yet, in the end, all good things must come to an end. Nanase's programming began to fall into disrepair, and the attendant robot ceased to work in the middle of nowhere. Distraught, Rin cried over her fallen friend as she repeatedly pushed buttons and toyed with the wiring in an attempt to bring back Nanase, but nothing would work. A few hours passed by while Rin sat in silence next to her friend before she had an idea. Removing some of the wiring and important pieces, Rin made a promise to Nanase that she would find a new body for the attendant to use in the future, should there be a time and place. Additionally, Rin severed Nanase's head from the rest of her body, salvaging the electronic components inside to sell them off at some outpost in order to survive. Wearing it as a token of remembrance, Rin made way to a place by the name of Pallet Town, where she was nearly killed on the spot until someone realized she was human. Once inside, Rin sold the salvaged electronic parts for a place to stay inside the walls that surrounded the town. Mostly left alone to her own devices, Rin took any odd job she could find, until she heard of a wonderful place called The End outside the local bar, where she decided to turn a new leaf in search of the mysterious city.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] A M B I T I O N S[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=Gray]There are a number of goals that Rin seeks to accomplish. Before the Week of Hell, her family was on top of the world in terms of wealth. Suddenly forced to become a refugee struggling to survive in a dangerous world has had quite the shock for Rin, and reaching The End promises some normality in her life rather than fighting off flesh hungry beings or robots hellbent on murdering humans each and every day. Despite the city being a possible ruse in a world turned primitive, Rin still believes it to be a better option instead of sitting around waiting to die in a makeshift city with only a blanket to her name. Also, while the radio announcer stated that they would not welcome robots into their city, Rin believes that The End may have a possibility to bring Nanase back to life. If the city is truly what it is said to be, Rin is hopeful that there might be still an engineer or robotics scientist somewhere within The End. If by chance there is someone who could help Rin, she would be willing to go to the extreme to save an old friend. Whether this means holding them hostage with threats to assault them if they don't comply or some other matter, Rin would do anything to see Nanase rebooted. Last but not least, Rin wishes to open her own club in the near future somewhere in the world. Similar to a modern bar or night club, Rin just wants a place where everyone can have fun to dance to tunes or form new relationships in a world where a weapon is often pointed at someone's head. While this is simply a disguised desire to eat (and eventually serve) sushi as she once did as a kid, Rin also wishes to put hope back into the lives of the new world. The world has turned to shit since the Week of Hell, and it just needs one long and relaxing break of hope rather than despair.[/color][/indent] [color=Gray][sub][ ❇ ] A D D I C T I O N S & M E N T A L H E A L T H[/sub][/color][hr] [indent][color=Gray]In terms of addictions, Rin is hardly seen without her visor helmet or an old music player, which she often listens to an early 2000s musician by the name of DJ Okawari--leading to the locals of Pallet Town dubbing her as Okawari. While Rin is a sane human being, she still isn't without flaws that affect her mental health. Doctors labelled her stuttering issue as a mental disorder, and Rin struggles to formulate certain words if she tries to speak. Since Rin hardly speaks to begin with, it isn't much of a problem, but she feels shame when someone points it out.[/color][/indent] [/hider] Lemme know if anything needs changing.