[center][color=Moccasin][b][h2]Reese Kestrel[/h2][/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JLSGzHC.png[/img] [color=Moccasin][sub]Trost District — Atop of Wall Rose[/sub][/color] [@Ambra] [@LordVoldemort] [@Poi] [@Jinxer] [@wolverbells] [@LetMeDoStuff] [@FrostedCaramel] [@SheriffLlama][/center] [indent][color=Moccasin][b]Reese Kestrel[/b][/color] [color=Gray]had to make sure that nothing would magically fly out of Gabriel's arms and down the wall as they checked inventory. The years of training had been gracious to the youth; it was surreal enough to reminisce as his eyes refrained from staring off into the titan-spotted horizon. All while Reese may have kept his boyish looks, it was no question that the young man had changed dramatically, no longer a host of the twig-like body his younger self possessed. Squatting beside one of the many cannons stationed along the wall, it seemed as if he was among the few, if the only one, who had been actually doing their job.[/color] [color=Moccasin][b]"C'mon, guys! What if they make us trainees again?"[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Reese quickly dropped the tense chords in his voice as he stood, his expression warming as he watched the rest of his friends laze around in earnest. With a defeated sigh, he tossed the cloth aside, walking over to participate in their sloth. Their sudden assignment to the maintenance of Wall Rose had come suddenly, and with their recent graduation, they had done more than enough work to reach this point already. Watching as Tanner led Gabriel a brief distance away, there were moments in time where Reese would accidentally address the former incorrectly from previous association. Even though it had been generally agreeable that he was a knowledgeable person, it had actually taken a longer time for Reese to learn the truth about Tanner. [url=https://i.imgur.com/PIOh9rU.png]To say the least, his reaction was a memorable one.[/url] [hr] There was an unusual calmness to the daylight, even with the presence of titans in closer proximity. Reese looked to his sides where the Gear occupied his waist, the sheen of the blade's base glimmering. Bringing his arms over his head and drawing a long breath, only for a flash to blind his eyesight. Yet, it wasn't any ordinary light. He remembered it long and well, it had been the source of nightmares that echoed of an inescapable memory.[/color] [color=Moccasin][b]"No.."[/b][/color] [color=Gray]The world around Reese seemed to freeze for the moment as the face of the[/color] [color=Red]Colossal Titan[/color] [color=Gray]eclipsed the sun, its deadpan eyes looking down upon its enemies. A scream began to build up in his throat just as the very slight motion of its hand changed the current of the wind.[/color] [color=Moccasin][i]We need to-[/i][/color] [color=Gray]The thought was replaced by many receptors of pain as a plume of hot steam emitted from its body, scorching Reese's arm as it came up to shield his face and knocking him off of his feet to the district below. It took a moment to register the situation before his senses recovered from the ambush, his fingers fighting through the burns and streghtening around the hand grips, pulling the triggers. The hooks launched upward, securing their marks as he set his soles against the wall. Still dazed, Reese calmed his breathing and balanced himself, seeing debris begin to tumble from the top of the wall and onto their location. His eyes scanned around, only refocusing when he was sure that everyone was fine.[/color] [color=Moccasin][b]"Not this, again.."[/b][/color] [color=Gray]he cursed to himself, his ears catching word from Gabriel to fall back. Knowing the intention of the Colossal Titan from previous experiences, there must have been a way to stop it from trying to breach the wall. Were they really going to run away and allow it to happen?[/color] [color=Moccasin][b]"There's no way,"[/b][/color] [color=Gray]Reese shook his head upon failing to come up with a method of approach, forcing himself from the wall and keeping up with Gabriel as a block of debris narrowly missed his being. It took additional effort to secure a safer landing for himself, and when he did, his left hand immediately came up to grasp his shoulder, which had been scalded from the steam. Looking between Gabriel and Lauren, Reese nodded in agreement, pointing towards the fortress at the center of Trost.[/color] [color=Moccasin][b]"There,"[/b][/color] [color=Gray]he said.[/color] [color=Moccasin][b]"That's where we have to go."[/b][/color][/indent]