Neil slipped down next to Sayeeda with his hands in his pockets, the large ARC Rifle strapped to his back with its barrel sticking out by his left shoulder, which kind of destroyed the image of him being casual. "Oh I dunno." Neil mused. "He seems like an ok guy, once you get past the lazy eye, the lewd looks, and the utterly terrible personality." The pilot waited for Sayeeda to order Lonney around, and then they headed off as the door to the ship behind them closed up, with a confirmation from AVLN. Once they passed the landing pad railings and into the archway that led to the settlement, they were suddenly finding themselves within a truly makeshift, backwater city. The smell was appropriate at least. Something close to a mixture between sweat, dead fish, and gasoline. The closest section was the marketplace, filled with humans of various sizes and ethnicities, along with the occasional Xenos among the milling throng. People haggled and yelled at one another, displaying and waving around bits of coin and things to sell or trade. There were a few grummy entertainers, mostly stationed around the entranceways to alleys and cantinas. Past the marketplace was a landscape of industrial steel buildings that were two to three stories in height. Whether they were living quarters or small work places was unknown, but the iron-grey, rusted materials that made the buildings gave the entire district an oppressive, tragic look. There was in fact fume wafting from some of the buildings, filtering into the greenish yellow atmosphere that blanketed the sky. Above the landscape of steel and smoke was other sections of the city, built upon circular platforms, connected by bridgeways made of steel and railing. The platforms were brown and green, covered in foliage. It took Neil awhile to realize that the platforms were not built for the city. They were... Neil whistled. They were engines from some vast warship, a strcture even bigger than the Terran destroyers off Orbit. It must have been before the fall of man. He then looked around, to notice most of the city shape indicated it could, in fact, be built upon a crashed starship of ancient humans. "Where to first, boss lady?" He asked. [@Penny]