[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FJYzzPN.png[/img] [h1][color=bc8dbf]Yukari Yozakura[/color][/h1][/center] Thanks to Jojo, Yukari was able to get some headphones to listen to the machines telling her about different equipment. Before Yukari could properly thank her Jojo was gone. [color=bc8dbf]”Ooooh! I really need to do something for her one day.”[/color] Yukari pouted as she kept listening to the audio explaining different types of gadgets to her. Yukari wasn’t really interested in weapons like guns or such, considering that she’s never handled anything more deadly than a ten pound weight. She tried her hand at using a whip but she could never really get it to crack like the ringmaster could. There were however other gadgets that were much more up Yukari’s alley. It was a capturing type weapon that used carbon fibers and a special metal alloy to wrap around and ensnare targets. Yukari was actually quite skilled at that because she often used ribbons to do similar things during her performances, though usually it was lighter things like hoops and hats. Another gadget was actually some hoops. They were a special type of handcuff worn like a bangle but could be snapped across the enemy to bind down on them. She could use it to stick someone’s limb to their body, cuff their hands or feet together, or even stick them to a pole for police pick up. They can be thrown at villains as well as just used to smack against them. Once bound the only way to loosen them is with a special magnetic key that most police forces have. Of course for someone like Yukari, she could easily slip out of them. Other villains might not be able to do the same. [color=bc8dbf]"This'll be perfect to buff the bad guys after I beat them."[/color] The last weapon Yukari heard about was actually pretty simple: weighted gauntlets. They were kevlar gloves with metal dust packed under vital parts of the gauntlet, not only protecting the arms but also adding more weight to punches. They were also designed to be able to protect the hands from bladed or spiked weapons which would be very useful to Yukari. [color=bc8dbf]"Since I'm not very good with blades, I could use some more protection. I hope they're not too heavy or restrictive though."[/color] Yukari wasn’t a very trained fighter, and her “punches” looked like flailing, but if she could add more weight to her strikes then that flailing looks a lot less silly and literally become flails. If they could grow or expand with Yukari’s arms whenever she stretches out, they could be even more useful to her. Yukari decided to give each of these things a try. The capturing weapons were longer than she thought they’d be and the hoops felt heavy, but at least the gauntlets were comfortable. Heading over to the training room Yukari plugged her headphones into the machine and set a simple practice session with some robots. She wanted to get a hang of the gadgets first before she tried to use them in live combat. [color=bc8dbf]"Let's start off simple but challenging. One robot target, but he doesn't fight back. And we'll use an obstacle course too! We'll go with a disaster zone setting. That should be fun!"[/color] Once she set up the conditions the sparring room changed into an obstacle course. It looked difficult to maneuver through but for someone like Yukari it was child's play. Unlike back at the classroom Yukari’s senses were in full force this time so she wasn’t about to trip over any bags or debris. Once Yukari arrived in the training room a single robot target popped up. Yukari needed to practice her equipment against him. Getting to him would be more of a challenge since Yukari set the area to have a lot of obstacles, including tall pillars, holes in the ground, and crumbling structures. But she didn’t miss a step when she ran in and traversed the obstacle course. Her first test was getting up to a pillar twenty feet tall. There was only one ledge five feet high but that was more than enough for Yukari to leap off of it, onto the wall, and then scramble onto the pillar. Next was a series of poles sticking out of the ground and walls that Yukari needed to traverse to get to the otherside or otherwise she’d fall twenty feet to the ground and waste time. She didn’t have any problems with this one either: Jumping towards the first pole sticking out of the ground, Yukari used the momentum of her jump to swing herself to a pole sticking out of the wall and continued jumping from pole to pole until she reached the other side. The next obstacle was a tricky one. It was a huge gap with a few crumbling pillars Yukari could jump onto. If she wasn’t careful however the pillars would fall and take her with them. And the way some of the pillars fell could also topple over other pillars Yukari tried jumping to. She almost failed here. The first two jumps she had no problems with, but the third jump she put too much force into her landing and caused the pillar to tip prematurely. [color=bc8dbf]"Oh no!"[/color] When she tried to jump to the next pillar she almost missed and had to hang on by a hand which also caused the pillar to tip over early. Yukari took out the metal hoops and bound the two pillars together to give her just enough time to reach the top of her pillar. She could sense a solid object nearby so Yukari tossed the capturing weapon at it. Just like with her ribbons Yukari whipped the cloth like a dart, and with a flick of her wrist she managed to tie the cloth around the object, saving Yukari from a tall fall. And now for the final challenge. Yukari’s target was the lone robot sitting deep in a pit and from her position it’d be at least a forty foot drop. Thinking about how to subdue the robot villain, Yukari had an idea. Looping the capturing cloth though one of the hoops but not closing the hoop just yet, Yukari then tied another hoop onto the end of the capturing cloth. The end result was a makeshift lasso which Yukari used to bind the robot by throwing it at him, locking his arm to his body and ensnaring him. Then Yukari took the other hoop and bound it to the pillar she was standing on, leaving just enough room for the capturing cloth to be able to move through freely. After that Yukari just jumped off the pillar while using her weight to pull the cloth and the robot to the top of the pillar, effectively capturing him. [color=bc8dbf]”Twenty seconds! That’s not bad I think. But I could use more practice. Maybe I should try something a bit harder.”[/color] Yukari said as she went back to the console to reset the training area and try something tougher. Maybe this time she’ll have the robot fight back or try to escape, perhaps even make it harder for Yukari to chase after him. After all most villains aren’t going to be standing around for Yukari to just nab, Or perhaps instead of robots, she should try to challenge one of the other students? Robots didn’t have quirks and thus had a limited way to react to things, but if she fought someone else they might do something Yukari doesn’t expect. [color=bc8dbf]”Hmm but who would I challenge? I don’t really know anyone here who might want to spar with me..."[/color]