[center][h2]Game Mechanics / Information[/h2][/center] [list][b][u]Minor Nations[/u][/b] [*][b][color=darkorange]City State of Terkovia[/color][/b]: Gaining independence from Voskiya during the [i]Voskiyan Revolution[/i] (1915), Terkovia is a moderate protectionist democracy under the rule of President Heinz Statgart. Terkovia currently has no alliances or agreements with foreign nations. They are largely liberal minded with a locally popular [i]Tarkovian People's Party[/i]. - [b]Population[/b]: 1,090,000 - [b]Armed Forces[/b]: 65,000 Soldiers. 7 Minelayers, 5 Destroyers, 1 Submarine. 38 Aviatik-II Fighters. - [b]Government[/b]: [[b]Democracy[/b]: 144 Seats] - [[b]Fascist[/b]: 0] - [[b]Communism[/b]: 16 Seats] - [b]Elections[/b]: June, 1922 - [b]Trade[/b]: Free Trade with Voskiya (+$26 GDP per Capita). Free Trade with Vornheim (+$13$ GDP Per Capita) [*][color=9e005d][b]Saurtarian Republic[/b][/color]: Gaining independence from the Empire of Sessau in 1645, the Kingdom of Saurtaria evolved in Blaquinian fashion and become Centara's first liberal republic in 1691. Saurtarian Republic is currently run by the [i]Partista Populaire[/i] under the rule of Chanceller Malcolm Holister. Saurtaria has no alliances or agreements with foreign nations. - [b]Population[/b]: 2,640,000 - [b]Armed Forces[/b]: 70,000 Soldiers. - [b]Government[/b]: [[b]Democracy[/b]: 199 Seats] - [[b]Fascist[/b]: 0] - [[b]Communism[/b]: 1 Seats] - [b]Elections[/b]: February, 1926[/list]