[u][b]9:56 AM, December 3rd Unknown Location[/b][/u] "A noble goal, one that I can respect, laud." The Master said with a slow nod, and perhaps a smile of approval as he leaned back again, the braziers flanking his throne changing from their purple flames to a light cyan blue. His tone was kind, understanding, but held a slight edge of concern. Clayton was looking at Karen with a smirk of his own, not mocking but with a slight edge to it that said that he'd heard the speech a few times before. The Master's smile was gone a moment later, though, his face taking on an impassive expression as he leaned forward in his seat. "But also one that can easily lead to great terrors. Even I and my forebears cannot recall all the tales of heroes who sought only to aid their fellow man, to protect their world, only to become dictators when those desires grew to their most extreme conclusion. You are not the first to possess the power of Gods and Champions, and others before you have abused that power in the name of law and justice." "Seen a lotta people without magic skip down the road to hell with good intentions in hand." Clayton chimed, nodding at his mentor's assessment. He turned back to Karen then, a faint smile crossing his lips. "Course, from what I saw you do in Berlin, I'm inclined to believe you're the real deal right now. I'd ask you to knock some of those commie and anarchist thugs around too, but that'd be making The Master's point for him." On cue the old sighed faintly, then chuckled at his student. Some things never did change, but those were what made a Human what they were. "Some of my students never smooth out all their edges." The eyes were back on Karen. "I am not saying that I believe you are doomed to follow the path of others, but I cannot know you will not either. That is why I have asked for you to be here. I would know you, Karen, so that I might set a worried heart at ease. At my age, I don't need much more. Please, show me that you are speaking the truth. I would welcome a true hero in these times."