The air screamed with winds grinding against one another. Rocks tore through the sky. In total darkness, the ash fused and shattered, becoming shapes unseen anywhere on land, let alone so high above the waters. Something flew through the towers of smoke. Ducking between falling ghost-shapes of basalt, over and around the space-tearing needle rain, between the great anvils of airborne stone, it settled in the corner that had been made for it. [color=9e0b0f]"With the scales and sword of Amul'sharar as my witness and yours, swear this: That you shall accept this gift that I grant you, and while it stands never work mischief against me, or against mine."[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]"Agreed,"[/color] said Phi without listening, and reclined on her shadowed throne. The ash began to fall. Somewhere over the Metatic Ocean, a grand shape was cast down from the cloud, billowing with smoke. It hit the sea with a momentous splash and sent white pillars into the air. When the sky cleared up months later, it rose again. ... [center][color=cornflowerblue][i]See you not the power of your souls, that even gods should grant concession? See you not the truth of my words? I shall find you in your shelters. I shall find you in the caves. I shall find you in the dark places it was foretold you would go, and together we shall rise into Metera, the city of the sky.[/i][/color][/center] [center][h3]* * *[/h3][/center]