The blue dot! He made a blue dot in the air again! Whatever thought that train was going was stopped by the hug. "Ooh! Yes, Hi!" Lyra stammered. It was surprising, but it was also really pleasant in its thoughtlessness. Hugging your friends doesn't need much consideration, does it? She hugged him back. "My violin? I... well, it should be in my room, I think. I don't think I had it with me last night. I was trying to let it dry some more after the fountain exploded, and after I crashed into the water elemental..." She sneezed, feeling a bit of a cold creeping in. "I kept having bad luck with water yesterday. Good thing I didn't bring it to the night run. Anyway. If we're just wandering. We can pass by the dorm and I can run to my room and pick it up." It took a while before Lyra noticed that the boy hadn't told her his name, but had given her one. [i]Viola?[/i] "Okay. If I'm Viola you're-" He was handling a camera. But viola's the wrong instrument, so he's gotta be the wrong light-catcher-thing too. "Mirror. No. Quartz. Or Crystal. Silicon? The thing glasses are made of? Quartz sounds nice. Hmm." She hummed a bit to herself. "Might be the wrong direction to take. Ink? Picasso? Canvas?" It occurred to Lyra that she wasn't very good at this. And then she remembered that he'd also mentioned some other names. "Who's Yellow and Icy?" [@Regitnui]