There was only the faint sound of the edge of a bowl being met by a utensil in the otherwise still kitchen. The table, typically a place for a family to dine together, was presently sitting one person: a young girl with striking ivory hair, a headband, and in her school uniform. Her hands were placed on the edge of the bowl which she lifted to her lips and gingerly sipped from. This particular scene was not unusual. Breakfast at the Kimoto house was a solo affair. Dinner wasn't much better. Lunch also had a habit of being consumed alone even though the chatter of other students helped drown out the sound of a lunchbox opening and being put away. It was practically a routine at this point, breakfast. Wake up before the sun came up, usually around five in the morning, properly bathe and wash up, crack an egg and fry it, serve over rice and natto and add the miso soup. By the time the breakfast was prepared and eaten, there was still enough time to make a lunch for school. On an average day, Sara Kimoto was out of the house and on the train to school with enough time to spare. While students typically started to arrive around eight, Sara could often be found on school grounds as early as seven thirty; though at that time she didn't make her way to her home room but rather sat on the school grounds in a little garden area off to the side. The kind of area typically reserved for confessions of affection as the area was out of view from the entrance and main grounds and typically only visible from the ground or the roof. Sara didn't do anything in the garden other than sit and let the breeze lightly brush her hair. It was peaceful, though when it rained she had nowhere to go other than under an awning which was far less peaceful. Sara made her way inside the school proper with around ten minutes to spare which was plenty of time to go to her shoe locker and up the single flight of stairs to her classroom. Rarely was Sara the first one inside the class but even when she would say good morning to those who were already inside she often didn't get much in the way of a response. Still, it was customary to greet one's classmates, wasn't it? Sara settled into her seat, middle of the first row right next to a window, and placed her head down. Her eyes blinked when she was addressed and she only managed to make out a select few words. "" Sara blinked once more without saying anything before the speaker left. [color=7FFFD4]"Yamazowa-san?"[/color] That's who it was, right? Sara knew the names of her classmates due to her being chosen as class representative. That had to have been her. Maoko Yamazawa. Sara looked down at the flyer on her desk. [color=7FFFD4]"Esports? Eh-sports? Es-ports?"[/color] The words on the flyer confused her, but she figured she would have a chance to ask about them later. After all, where was the harm in at least going to the club room for the sake of curiosity. Though she was confused by what Esports was, once class started properly - and after she had led the class in rising and bowing for the arrival of their teacher - Sara sank back into her seat and rested her head on her desk as she did day after day.