[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Also just as a not one the milk drinking thing, its one of symbols/memes of the alt right, along with Pepe and the 'OK' hand sign. These things in themselves aren't racist obviously but they have been adopted by a racist group. I've seen very few people using the milk drinking meme as a statement who don't also happen to be white nationalists. [/quote] This becomes circular (I take your meaning, you're not being circular here, but FWIW). "Pepe memes are racist!" Well how do you know that? "They're used by racists!" How are they racist? "They're using Pepe memes, which the ADL says are racist!" Again I see what YOU mean, I understand YOUR point here, but just a heads-up on the preservation of one's own intellectual consistency, that's a dangerous rabbit hole of nonsense around which to lurk. Again, [i]you're not doing it[/i], you're just [i]next to[/i] it. The milk business was trollbait all along, and the crazies jumped all over it (like you knew they would). It was never anything but a joke to anybody but the crazies, who were the butt of that joke.