[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/b083968a3846fa571b39c5ba69926312/tumblr_inline_olteynJUDE1r4dgde_250.gif[/img] [/quote] I'm not sure what Drew Scanlon has to do with Bethesda making shit games but okay. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Pokemon Sun and Moon are slow as hell, hyper linear even for a pokemon game, restricted fishing, minimal post game content, cut scene every two fucking seconds, No Gyms, No Special Training, cumbersome link menu/festival/bullshit and map that somehow had even MORE water than Hoenn. Yes the pokemon community have huge problems with sun and moon, and the fact that they also had problems with X/Y doesn't change that.[/quote] This is sounding more like your issues with the game rather than the community as a whole. No Gyms was a good thing though. Making Pokemon at least try to offer something new in terms of structure instead of doubling down on the same shit and making a boring game like X/Y was the best thing Sun and Moon did. [quote]Much like with DA2 and DAI and Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect Andromeda its very possible for a fanbase to be disappointed twice in a row.[/quote] Dragon Age 2 is an underrated game. And Inquisition was largely positive within the community when the game came out - partially because it wasn't Dragon Age 2 again and then the BioWare thing happened where six months passed and people started going "Man, Dragon Age 2 wasn't that bad" and more of Inquisition's flaws started being dragged through the mud. [quote]And I'm not the hugest fan of either F4 or DmC but they got good reviews so my original point still stands. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [/quote] Would you say that anyone would say Fallout 4 or DmC were under-rated? I could maybe see someone who only saw the negative response to DmC from the internet and think that it's underrated because they liked it, but Fallout 4 was one of the biggest games of its year and outside of the (factually correct) people that were talking about how shit it is the reception was insanely positive in pretty much every community. Hell, there were literal actual shills upset that an actual game reviewer had the [i]audacity[/i] to give the PC version of the game 4 stars out of five. By what metric are games considered under-rated? Community response? Critical? Sales? Or just personal opinion. Because when something is getting solid 9s and 10s and a multitude of Game of the Year awards across publications it's hard to see when the under-rated aspect comes into play. A game can review well and be under-rated. Ori and the Blind Forest is an example of that, Titanfall 2 as well, as is Hitman from last year though that one can be chalked up to its release method.