[color=FireBrick][center][h1]Oshea Jackson[/h1] [/center][/color][center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/62/Everett_Thomas_%28Earth-616%29_004.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/166?cb=20070412113055[/img][/center] [center]"Gotta enjoy life and appreciate rest, we mutants don't get much of it these days."[/center] [hr] [center]Location: Xavier's Mansion, Courtyard[/center] [hr] He had heard through the grapevine he would be rooming with Quicksilver. Quicksilver, of all people! Who mandated this buffoonery? Did Professor X secretly hate him? [i]Put me with the fool who snapped my damn leg in half, yeah, real smart.[/i] There was some sense of irony in all of it, though; maybe this was the world's way of telling him that he should see his 'enemies' as friends. They were mutants, moreover, and the world hated them both equally. It made them brothers; no, too strong--unintentional acquaintances. They [i]did[/i] have similar personality traits, after all. As he laced up his Nikes to prepare for his daily run, he couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts again; the zipping pain from his healing leg fell to the back of his mind. [i]They really must think I'm some type'a fool out here. What, just 'cause nobody talks to me they think it's fun to mock me? Put the two speedsters together, it will be fun to see them rip each other's throats out. We all hate Oshea, yaaaaaaay![/i] Obviously this was not the case, he just had a habit of over-reacting. Things were always much bigger in his mind than in real life, he concocted elaborate schemes he thought would work because of their unorthodox--and this was usually the reason he ended up worse off than necessary. Just like the time he tried to rob another kid for his lunch money with a slingshot and got jumped. Flashbacks of getting stomped out still gave him headaches to this day. Part of him did wonder if the universe was plotting against him, though. He supposed he could be in a much worse position. Allison's words lingered in his mind as well, [i][color=FFD9E9]You compared me to the rook, but I wonder if I’m just a pawn. Something without much use other than to be there and be sacrificed. I mean, everyone at the plant seemed to be doing something useful, whereas I just kind of...was there. Other than gaining a new power, I didn’t do much.”[/color][/i] For all of his rehabilitation, and all of this waiting, he was also beginning to feel boxed in. He knew vaguely that Magneto was plotting something more devious than the world had ever seen and he didn't know how much help he would be in the grand scheme of everything. This ragtag team of young X-Men he called his compatriots were spirited, compassionate, and ready to save everyone they could; they had even gained some field experience together. But with all of their improvement as a unit, Magneto was pulling something together that was far more complicated than simple moves in a chess game. People were not chess pieces, and one could not merely undo the loss of thousands of lives--if it ever came to that. He began his jog. It was a slow and steady pace from the Courtyard all the way around the school grounds. Word was there were some new X-Men around, another of the Reeds; the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were here to stay, and there was even a new teacher. He wondered how the rest of his teammates were feeling, Ayita in particular. Of those who generally avoided him because of his impulsive ways or his excessive energy, she was the one who tended to avoid [i]people[/i] in general. That and Oshea always found her shapeshifting excited a primitive and boyish reverence for nature that he otherwise only expressed in his art. Like it or not, Oshea would make a point in the upcoming days to break that shell she had. He kept a healthy pace, and stopped within the space of five minute intervals to ease the pressure on his healing leg. He wondered where everyone was, did no one like studying outside anymore? It was then that he saw Damon, Ayita, and Carolina who appeared to be in some sort of awkward conundrum foreign even to Oshea; this was, of course, something he enjoyed and figured he would make his way over.