[color=00a651][b]The Angler vs. Group[/b][/color] (OOC: Tried to do this as fair as I could think. I gave an equal chance for each of the team to miss, hit, or critically hit the monster and assigned a hit point value to it as well. Hit was -1 and critical hit was -2. Also gave the creature a chance to counter-attack on everyone but James W., since he's already been critically injured.) With the wounded Enclave Captain lying on the ground and reaching for his shotgun, the monstrous creature moves in for the kill and pounces on top of him. James fires off both shots of his double barrel and they both hit home, staggering the angler slightly and making it rethink its choice of food. (OOC: critical hit for James W). The rest of the group then lunges into action, with James C. leveling his rifle and firing three shots at the Angler. Each of the shots hits home, but compared with the hulking mass of the mutated fish, the .44 bullets are unable to bring the beast down, although it now sports some obvious gunshot wounds from where the bullets tore into it. (OOC: hit for James C.) Unfortunately, the Angler is quickly able to spit up another stinking mass of radioactive swamp sludge at him, and this time it hits its mark. James C. is covered in an ugly paste and his thrown back from the impact. (OOC: angler attack success). Corrine is able to use the temporary distraction caused by the shots to get in close and thrust her spear at the Angler's neck. Owning to her skill as a fisher-woman and a hunter, she's able to successfully drive the spear point home, but the creature's unusually thick hide, which is strange even for an Angler, prevents her from getting the killing blow she was no doubt looking for. (OOC: hit for Corrine) Instead, the Angler lets out a frightening water-logged gurgle of pain before swiping at Corrine with one of its large hands and sending her crashing to the ground. (OOC: angler attack success). It then pulls out the spear she'd embedded in its hide, and in a horrific display of intelligence, throws it at Corrine as if trying to skewer her. It thankfully misses. Finally, Steve raises his pistol, takes careful aim and fires, hoping to strike a vulnerable spot. His first bullet hits home and the angler reels in pain and clutches at the spot where the bullet entered. Now badly wounded, the angler immediately quickly begins to turn and run off into the fog. Steve's next shots miss the creature by a hair, but a trail of blue-green blood can be found on the ground following in the frantic beast's wake. (OOC: hit for Steve, angler attack failure. All in all, wasn't enough to kill it, but badly wound it).