[b]"Sorry about that, family always worry don't they."[/b] "Oh I hear that." Owen replied with a hearty sigh. "My parents were going nuts when I told them I was moving out here. Well my mom did... then I showed her some videos and stuff all about Shine city and I'm pretty sure she's looking up property out here." Cobbling together a pen he had in his pocket and some napkins lifted from the bar Owen managed to scratch out a crude map of their location. Since he'd never been in the scouts and rarely ever made do without a digital mad that meant turning his improvised canvass up and around in a bunch of angles as he visualised his walk from his apartment and noted down each turn he'd taken and the brighter landmarks he'd passed. It also meant screwing his face up in a constipated expression of thought, though Owen wasn't aware of that at the time. In the end he had a handy little grid of the nearby streets, with the bar they were in and the Pinnacle building marked with "X's" and their initials. "It's not far from here, if I've got this right then you want to take the left around city hall..." He added a little squiggle onto the biggest square on his map. "And then the second right after it. I didn't get it's name but there was a restaurant by the looks of it on the corner with some blue lights on the corner." Owen was still too new to the area to remember any of the street names with some dependability but he figured brightly coloured landmarks would be of more use at this time of night anyway. Once business was out of the way and their order arrived (it kinda was [i]their[/i] order now wasn't it? Owen still couldn't believe he'd managed to muscle in on it like that!) he managed to find his way back to polite small talk. "So why'd you move out to Shine City, if you don't mind me asking?" Going by her accent Owen had to guess she'd had a pretty big journey to get here. [@PrinceAlexus]