It was disgusting, but now that Sidney had finished vomiting, she felt like a million dollars. Worthless since the apocalypse, but still comical to have around. She quickly suited up. As quick as she went, she was the slowest out of the bunch. She was one of the few people who seemed to wear an adequate amount of protection. Occupational hazards and regular hazards, after all. Bringing the right amount of equipment would be imperative. She would only need to bring what she needed this time. Her shotgun, about thirty rounds in pouches around her hip, both shovels on her back, her engineering kit on her hip, two blocks of plastic explosives hoisted in a bag on her chest, and a bag of assorted grenades above the blocks. About 1/3 of her usual equipment. It was the bare minimum that Sidney would bring with her. She left the makeshift change-room, prepared to haul an ass-load of cargo. [hr] As guns pointed at Sidney, she honestly didn't give a shit. More specifically, she was excited. An ambush gunfight? It would be so much fun for her. Even if she was shot to the point of certain-death, she could just pull a few pins in her bag and the surrounding area would light up as if it was the second apocalypse. She would die as she lived - surrounded in explosions. As the guns were lowered and they were called to meet the chief and walk through the tunnels, Sidney couldn't help but feel disappointed. Putting those feelings aside, she listened to what the chief was talking about. Service tunnels and darkness galore. Well, there weren't many better ways to spend Wednesdays. Or whatever day it actually was. The cave-in was just that - a cave in. After a quick inspection by Sidney, she knew she couldn't blow it open. Well, she could, but it would probably make an even bigger mess. Vadri was right, but for the wrong reason. [color=537056][b]"I do indeed have enough explosives to clear it. The problem is that if I blow it up, it'll probably collapse more. If I had seven,"[/b][/color] she said as she counted on her fingers, [color=537056][b]"two weeks, I could clear it no problem."[/b][/color] Before she could explain why, Newt took the scene by selling flashlights. They would be useful. So much so that Sidney had to buy one. She pulled out a grenade from her bag. It looked rather makeshift and janky. A tube made from aluminum foil in a small perforated steel pipe with a string extending out from the bottom. [color=537056][b]"Trade,"[/b][/color] she said as she gave the small tube to Newt. [color=537056][b]"If you're in shit, pull the pin, you have four seconds to toss it behind you and run. Don't look back. If you cover your ears, make sure you're [i]really[/i] covering them, and as soon as it goes off, try to hit the deck. Also make sure that you're not holding it when it goes off, otherwise you'll be a few fingers short of a ten-count,"[/b][/color] she joked as she took a flashlight. Some would say giving explosive devices to children would be a bad idea, but it was how Sidney was raised.