[quote=@Poi] [@LetMeDoStuff] Question: What exactly determines the statistics? In other words--for example, strength--where is the difference between being able to lift pillows to being a full-blown body builder? Just curious so I can balance my statistics to how I want them to be. [/quote] Strength is more to show how hard you hit with your weapon, more likely, but the lowest level of strength can still somewhat be useful. It's also a way of saying it a Ushilion jumped on you, could you pull them off? Stuff like Teamwork is more of a personality trait linked with their past, such as how well they can work with other people (obviously) when thrown into dire situations. Agility would not necessarily focus on their stamina, but how fast they can move when not attacking with a weapon. Dexterity would focus primarily with how experienced and skilled they are with their weapon, also falling under the category of a personality and background based stat. Battle Skill determines how they perform overall. A higher skill in battle makes for tactics, ways of attacking, understanding of a common enemy, striking in groups of singling out enemies and learning to alternate the balance between attacking and defending.