Zodiark had slowly descended to the ground as he saw Shion wail and cry out in pain as she was, yet again, unprepared for what he was capable of. For someone who boasted about how he wouldn’t one-up her, that’s exactly what the Keeper of Precepts did. Each time she thought he was a step behind her, he was actually one step [i]ahead[/i]. Nothing she did could possibly take him by surrpise. This was because he was far more superior to her. Even in this vessel’s host, she was still no match for him. Perhaps if she had full use of her power, then maybe it would be a different story. Fortune favors fools. When he touched down to the ground, Zodiark kept his eyes closed, knowing that there was nothing that she’d do that could get him...until he was proven wrong. A mistake on his part, Zodiark didn’t anticipate her using such a mundane trick like mist vines. It was unexpected because it was such a dull tactic. And yet, as both of his feet from the ankle to the knee were caught, Zodiark was beating himself up inside his mind for not stopping it before it was too late. And now she had him caught in her web, ready to strike. So like he predicted, she came forth, ignoring pain, with her sword aiming to strike. Yes, this was all too predictable on her part, but Zodiark couldn’t materialize anything due to the purifying nature of her vines. As such, he would have to resort to something less flashy. As her sword came for him, Zodiark would once again prove that he was one step ahead of Shion. He simply did nothing. He held out his arms as if welcoming her to attack him. [hr] What felt like hours, Wesley seemed to wander the halls of his great castle as if he was trapped in an infinite loop. Where he thought he had gone to a right, he went to the left. Where he thought he went straight, he turned. Every direction that he thought he had went, it was as if his body was forcing him to go in the totally opposite route. He went by the same rusted pillar ten times over and it would only increase three times more. As Wesley passed it just once more, he heard a far-off sound of what sounded like laughter. Though, before he could make it out, the sound faded and Wesley then heard voices. They were familiar ones. He hugged to the wall, using a spell to blend in with the cream-colored walls and listened in on the conversation that he heard. It was definitely something heated and between one of his dear friends, Emiri and that Keiran fellow. It didn’t take long to realize it was an intense conversation. Based on what he was hearing, it seemed Keiran might’ve done something to Emiri. Or maybe she thought he was? Wesley was unclear on the details. He probably missed out on some of the finer details. One thing he did catch was that Emiri was not happy with him and now he was curious why. In the exact moment that Keiran had left the room, Wesley, though unaware, had willed himself to go through the wall, surprising himself. Doing that had canceled his cloaking spell and would reveal Wesley in Emiri’s room. It only took a moment until he realized that Emiri saw him too. “[color=fff79a]My apologies for the intrusion but I couldn’t help myself,[/color]” Wesley said, rolling closer to the bedridden Emiri. He stopped at her bedside. “[color=fff79a]I wasn’t around when you apparently gained control over him, but since that interaction with him in the Dalmasca sands, I cannot, with absolute certainty, say I trust him. What I just heard further proves that.[/color]” [hr] It was safe to assume that breakfast was officially over. Not only were the kitchen staff making their final rounds to take whatever remained of the plates on the table, but the current conversation would make anyone lose their appitite. Well, at least it did that for Cassandra. Honestly, these Rozarrians truly had no class whatsoever. "[color=mediumpurple]Good luck finding him. I'm sure he's running for Giza Plains. Best ditch the baggage lest it gets too...[i]packed[/i].[/color]" Cassandra said, eying Nadeline as she took a sip of her lemon water.