He was lying. And yet, as her blade worked its magic, she could see the effect on Michel's body. She had foolishly believed he would come out unharmed, and the possibility of killing him suddenly came into light. But how? Had Zodiark twisted it so that Michel was now a product of his power? Or was it that it was never truly Michel to begin with? For the first time, Shion found herself hesitating, gritting her teeth. He was playing with her. He was lying. Or did he want her to think he was lying? [i][color=deepskyblue]Why am I hesitating? Why am I letting him get to me?[/color][/i] The thought crossed her mind, though she would drive her blade further. "[color=deepskyblue]Michel will be fine,[/color]" She informed him cooly, shoving it deeper just for good measure. "[color=deepskyblue]You think me a fool--but if you choose to stay and let yourself be purified, so be it, though I never knew you to be a glutton for pain.[/color]" [hr] Emiri was slightly worried about Wesley's words. She wasn't entirely sure about what he wanted to say--she wanted to hear it, but the fact that he was telling her of all people was...worrisome. Her violet eyes looked at Wesley, and she nodded with much reluctance. Whatever it was, it had to be serious. "[color=pink]If it is the way you say, then...I don't want to keep secrets, but I...I trust it must be something big,[/color]" She told him. "[color=pink]What is it?[/color]"